2020 Videos

On it.

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Excellent work @estragon and @IvanC! Very cool indeed!


Now it’s time to focus our effort on the next video — which will be longer and a have more of an intense vibe. After a cool invitation, we need to tap into people’s deepest “why”!

@alberto @yudhanjaya I’ve already updated the list above, removing the videos we already delivered, but here’s a quick reminder (and a new date addition):

Due Date

At most Tuesday 24/11, but I’d be super happy if I could have the material beforehand to start working on it already.

Requirements for all videos

— Landscape
— 1080p quality
— No earbud microphones (phone mics are a-ok)
— Please chose a room with low ceiling and a lot of furniture to avoid reverberation
— Whenever you record, give it 2 seconds of silence before and after you talk (easier to cut!)

I hate to say this, folks… I really do! But everything is urgent .
Do your best to make it happen as quickly as you can, and let’s celebrate partial success, ok?

Video Requests


— For the introduction video: a 1-1:30 min piece on the failure of Capitalism, also introducing the project, how you folks conceived it, why were you led to create this
— For the introduction video: a 15-30 sec comment on the worldbuilding being open-source material
— A clip with 5 seconds of absolute silence in the same room you recorded (to help with noise cancelation)


— For the introduction video: a 1 min introduction mentioning your work as a SciFi writer, how technology influenced your work and how your work influenced your relationship to technology
— For the introduction video: a 15-30 sec piece telling people we’re not creating a full world, but a basis of a world that’s designed to be iterated
— Help me with the text for the narrative intro (I’ll explain that in the section below)
— A clip with 5 seconds of absolute silence in the same room you recorded (to help with noise cancelation)

I’m particularly worried about those narrative snippets here, as they’ll require extra steps.

Let’s rock it folks!!

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have you seen the material that is already here @joriam?

Could you use some of this and in case not, which parts would be essential?

Unfortunately I don’t see how I can use the same material and provoke the effect I wanna.

First of all, I really wanted video material — show people’s facial expressions as they talk. I dig the format idea we had for the invitation, and the first bit of my video will be inspired by it, but I think that’s the time to really show some of our team in a more eye-to-eye way.

Besides, now that we used the best material for the invitation, we need to show new stuff to whoever shows up for the call (and onwards).

I feel this is not gonna be a difficult mission :smiley: both Alberto and Yudha nailed the energy for their bits, which is the hardest part!

If any extra difficulty appears, let me know and we’ll improvise. But folks, you’re both good speakers, we can make this happen :alien:


Not all of it has been used, but I agree you guys have nailed the energy. Joriam, if you need anything on my side in the meantime, just let me know.

Ok to film it with an Ipad?

Totally! As long as it records with 1080p quality (which is most of them, really, this no new technology).

I’m not really versed in apple products, but I found this link here that teaches you where to find your resolution configuration (right below those three numbered bullet points)

@yudhanjaya @alberto @nadia just a heads up, the deadline for the second batch of videos was yesterday.

I can improvise, of course I wouldn’t like to, but if so you need to let me know that you can’t do it in time. I have limited time to make this video and my style is editing heavy.

Pliiiiis keep me updated


Hi, alberto and i can do it on Friday…sorry had to get equipment

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So sorry @Joriam… I wrote my part. Just today @nadia and I agreed to meet to record it. Is that OK if it arrives Friday early afternoon?


Sure @alberto @nadia I’m rescheduling things around, Friday works!
I haven’t been seeing much of @yudhanjaya though. I’ll flick him a whatsapp message, hope it works!

I use Twitter DMs, has worked for now.


The link does not work for some reason. Only me?

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Fixed. But anyway, it’s in the usual folder in the SF-ECON shared drive.

Alright, folks! A couple of last minute, hot-potato updates.

I’m gonna have to do a bit of improvising with this video, but I still have the basic blocks to make it work — and with a bit of artistry we can have something unique! Still, for the sake of transparency, I must say:

— Unfortunately @yudhanjaya didn’t send me his part, so I can’t add him. I’ve already thought of a way to work around it
@nadia @alberto, though both your text and performances were great, the video you sent me had a low resolution, below 1080p, which is a shame, as any recent-ish phone can record with that resolution

It’s ok, I can work around both things, but wanted to let you folks know before you saw the final product.

Now, the part that I could really use some creative help is:

I want to introduce our pre-worldbuilding narratively, by using small sentences that characters that live in Extemistan could use. Something in the lines of what Alberto already suggested:

“The Conclave has released the human-to-human interaction protocol version 3.1.56. All abbots and abbesses please update processes ASAP, to preserve a smooth running of our work and prayer.”

If you folks have a creative minute and would like to help me with one sentence for that, that would be fantastic! :slight_smile:

Odd, when i looken at the Settings on the iPad it was set on highstakesborden. Must have messet up somehow :confused:

Can i do something with cats in it?