4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 19CYX

Light the letter. Letter lights?

Like we’re conscious about what we buy for clothes and how it’s manufactured, because there are a lot of stores in the Netherlands that offer very cheap clothes, but so cheap that you that it probably comes. Yeah. You know, we are doubting if that’s even possible to make for that amount of money. So we try to concern so that some few things. Yeah.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment what do you think.

Yeah, that’s that’s a difference in points of view. On the other hand, I would say if every individual individual would be very responsible towards the environment, the problems will also be less. But countries, governments have the have more to say than the individual. So unless they both take the responsibilities, it will work. No.

Yeah. What he says.

What can the car industry do to promote circular economy if they do something?

Yeah, well unfortunately this our world economy does not. Yeah. Is about money. I’m about money making. So the best thing that car manufacturers could do is probably stop making cars because we make electric cars who drive cheaper. Better for the environment. But the individual components of the car, the rubber tires are still recalled, the sources of the earth. So, yeah, I think the best thing is to stop making cars. Yeah, let’s all ride bikes or something like that. Yeah, right.

True. Yeah. Recycling things. Yeah.

The last question, Where do you think electronic waste from cars goes after it is no longer used?

Well, I hope, but it’s probably not a justified that every car industry already makes as much as recyclable or compost so they can recycle and reuse in new cars. But probably a lot gets thrown away and. Yeah. Or discarded or I don’t know. I expect I don’t expect that it’s 100% recycle.

No, no, no, no.

So, yeah, unfortunately, it will add to the amount of garbage we already have in the world. No, unfortunately, Yeah, that’s true. And in Europe, you don’t see it because they dispose of it in containers, perhaps in fires that they industrialize it. But when you see the movies or documentaries about Africa or Asia, you see the plastic floating in the rivers, You see the garbage thrown out the houses. So probably the last. Yeah, I would like the cars to be 100% recyclable, but I don’t think they are. No, sorry.

Okay. Thank you very much.
