4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 20BXS

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, in jeeps when thinking about reuse of car electronics.

Yeah. I think that’s, I think in a bigger way. Yeah. That’s too much. Yeah. I think that’s so much that they, they are using all data. I know they do. I know they. And I don’t know if it’s legal or illegal. I really don’t know. But I know they do for sure. Yeah.

does recycling and reusing means different things to you.

Yes, recycling is I think when it’s recycled, it is back to a repair shop or the factory and refurbished and then comes back. And recycling means to me that it’s pull apart and then making new components with, with, with the ground. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know? Reusing your electronic components, for example, GP’s with all the data?

No, no, no. I don’t think it’s it’s good to know what everybody does. I think the privacy that you have as a as a, as a person, I think it’s very important to keep that. Yeah. Yeah.

What is your ideal car like if you can build it or do it. Describe it, please.

I would make my own car or build my own car.

What would be an ideal car for you.

My ideal car would be like a 150 (pickup truck). Yeah, that’s. Yeah, that’s it. Yeah.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. The question, how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?



I think it’s a big scam.

Could you explain it?

Yeah, a little bit. I can explain it a little bit. Yeah. They are telling us now that the carbon is is a big problem, but I know for sure and they told me a long time ago in when I was a little boy in schools that things are growing from from the carbon. So nothing, nothing is wrong with the carbon. So and when you see when you go back ten, 15 years, there was much more carbon in the air than now. And now they’re making a problem of it. Nobody ever had any problems with it. They telling us that ice is melting. They’re telling us that rivers are floating, they’re telling us everything. But I don’t believe anything about it. No, I see with my own eyes that there’s an agenda. That’s what I see. Yeah. Political agenda.

What, if any, steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability? Sustainability?

Well, I believe in some sustainability, but only when things are true because, yeah, we have solar panels on the roof. I think that’s a good thing. But what about ten, 11, 20, 30 years with the solar panels? Nobody knows. And it’s the same with the batteries. Nobody knows what to do with the batteries in ten, 20, 30, 40 years. So there’s a little bit of what I told before. There’s there’s a political decision, the political agenda, but it is nothing much to do with the environment, I believe. No.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

I don’t know. I told you before that I don’t believe in the environment push that that’s going on now. So I think we have to make our own decisions and think with your own mind and don’t let people fool you. Do your research.