4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 23COR

For example, GPS with all the data.

And then someone else uses it. No, I would like to first clear it. Yes. Yes.

What is your ideal car like? Describe it if you can do it. What would be your ideal car?

One that drives and gets me everywhere. I want to know. I don’t have really a how do you call it a Fokker? No, it doesn’t matter to me. No. If a car does what it’s supposed to be doing, it gets me where I want to be. Yes, that’s for me. Important. And how and what? No, it makes no difference.

Okay. On a scale of 1 to 5.


that means one is not at all concerned and five is extremely concerned.


The question, how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

How do you mean by by nature or by everything?

everything What you are doing also?

Well, I believe a three or four. Right. Yeah. I think we are not taking good care of our earth, The environment, people, everything.

okay? that´s what you mean.

Me. Yes.

What, if any, steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

How do you mean?

What are you doing by yourself?

For the nature. We are. Oh, collecting your disposals. Everything. Apart, using less cars, using less electricity. That kind of things. Mm hmm. Yeah.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make? Lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment.

More than we do now? Yes, I think we do. Way to less. Yes.