4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 24DNX

Have you ever heard the term circular economy in dutch cirkulere ekonomie?

I have never heard it, but.

It means economy based on sharing, reusing, repairing and recycling materials.

And, yes, recycling. Always use the parts and in somewhere in the future that you never have to make parts again because you always reuse it or recycle it.

What do I think about that?

I think it’s a great initiative, but with a lot of these things, you get many questions How can you do it if it if it even if it if it’s even possible to do it? Because you’re always have some parts that are broken and you can’t recycle it. But to a certain point, I mean, some garden boards are recycled. When I learned not so a long time ago that you can recycle it for 25 times and then it’s just done, you can’t use it anymore. So it would be nice, but if it would be possible, we would need to see in the future.

If you had the option to replace malfunctioning electronic components in your car, reusing with a new component or a used one and why.

does the function difference between the two?

Is there new component or used?

Yes, but they both are good. Like they both work the same. Then the recycled, of course, because it’s better for the environment. I’m I don’t know about you, but I want to have kids and they have kids, so they have a great future.

What is then pro and what is cons for used and for new devices? How do we mean? What is positive and what is negative with the used components and also with the new components.

With new components. Now, as you said, the good thing is it’s new. It will take longer time to defect, mostly because sometimes just gets broken down and the negative is you always have to use new resources. So, well, we don’t have an infinite of resources. It’s a finite source. So at some point we don’t have any resources. And with the recycled ones, as I said, it’s good for the environment and a negative if it can be of a less quality, maybe, but that depends on the parts that you’re using of course, and how you recycle it. But that can be a negative a Bit. If you do it right and it shouldn’t be.

okay. Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, in GPS when thinking about reuse of car electronics?

Well, if there are people involved, it will always be a problem because you can forget to erase all the data on a GPS, for example, and then give that GPS to another and see your locations. So I do not have concerns, but I know why people may have concerns because, yeah, there will always be some people involved and people are the most unreliable thing you have in the world, so.

does recycling and reusing means different things to you.

Yes, recycling is using a part and make a new part of it. Recycled and reusing can be that. But it can also be said like I have a GPS on my car, I don’t want it anymore. I give it to someone else. And it’s also reusing. So it’s also given down to someone else. So it’s same. It’s also a different. It’s just how you interpret it.

Yeah. Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know and reusing your electronic car equipment.

If you get it on black or white on paper, some base base rules, for example. Yeah, if it will break down very quickly. That’s not nice, of course, but I wouldn’t be scared of it.

What is your ideal car like? Describe it. How should it be?

Not too big. Not too big. that’s a difficult one? I’m thinking not to big. So has to have some nice features. Bluetooth. Connecting with your phone is always nice for listening to music that you like for the rest. Maybe cruise control with.