I’m working in research in the automotive sector, and I would like to know your point of view. If you accept, I’m going to record out conversation, transcribe it and put the transcription with a pseudonym, not your real name in a repository of text documents that will be used for the research. If you do this and you change your mind and no longer want to participate, get in touch with us and we will immediately remove your interview from the repository. Later. After the interview, I’m leaving you an information sheet with contact information. If you agree, please tell you name, surname and that you agree for that.
My name is Raymond Dent and I agree.
Thank you. So we start now when it’s the one objective that comes to mind when you think about car electronics.
So I’m currently here working for a web shop. Then they are selling LED lights. So they are. It’s good for the climate led and they are really powerful. So I think more people should use LED lighting because they’re more powerful and better for the environment. So that’s the one objective that I personally have as a seller.
And about other electronic devices in the car, what is your feeling? At first?
I think safety is really important and for cars navigation also, but safety should be one priority.
You have a currently a car.
Not currently, unfortunately, but I drive the car of my father a lot.
Okay. Could you list five or more electronic components in the car?
Um, sure. So the annoying beep when the seatbelt is not turned on, the navigation, when you want to go to the left, the pointer. So in our car it says how fast I’m going with on the display and a fifth one, time. I would like to know what the time is. when I’m driving now when we arrive. So it’s fine.
What kind of maintenance schedule do you have for the car of your father?
It’s one time of year Africa (name of the car, editor). I don’t know if it’s an African country. It’s called Africa, but it’s just once a year.
What are the sources for you and your father of expertise and authority when it comes to making choices about the car maintenance?
So in our case, my father has a brother, so it’s my uncle. And he is just he has a lot of experience and he is working at a car dealership. So it’s from a Peugeot and he’s working at Peugeot. So he has a lot of experience. So we trust him.
So he’s the first one.
Yeah. And we can get a small discount for family. Yeah.
So tell me about the last time if happened. One of the electronic devices malfunctioning.
Well, it’s actually the navigation in our Peugeot because they are using really old maps and it’s not updating on a yearly basis. So when I’m driving through the city and they change the road, it does not work anymore. I’m just using Google right now. But the navigation is just not working. They should really update the maps more often.
Just any other electronic devices that didn’t work?
Not really. I don’t think so.