4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 31RDX

Yeah. Have you ever heard the term circular economy in dutch circulare ekonomie? Yeah.

Yes, I heard of that.

What is that?

It’s when you use products multiple times so you don’t waste and you can recycle everything that’s good for the environment. Right.

If you had the option to replace a malfunctioning electronic component in a car, you would use a new component or a used one. And while.

Oh, okay. So because I think safety is really important. I would use a new one. I would prefer a new one if it’s affordable because you can trust the new one. And I think when you use it, it’s second hand. It’s more dangerous, more chances will fail. So I think. New one, if I can afford it. No.

So do you have a concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example? You know, we’re thinking about reuse of car electronics.

I do not because I think every company is already does already have my data. So it’s just Google, Facebook, everyone knows where I’m at currently. So if a car dealer has that has this data, I don’t mind.

does recycling and reusing means different things to you.

That’s a difficult question. I don’t know. Recycling is when you use a material twice and reusing it when you use the same product twice, I think. Yeah.

Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know, reusing your electronic equipment, for example?

So I can trust the reset button. I think I could trust the reset button so I would be comfortable with that.

What is your ideal car? Describe? How should it be?

Affordable. Luxurious. Because you want to have some status. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just reliable and safe. That’s that’s the main thing, I think.

On a scale of 1 to 5 with one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. And now the question, how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

A few years ago, I was absolutely not. But I’ve learned some things, and I think it’s a difference in age because I’m young. I think older people don’t mind that much. But I think four for I was four was high I think four. Yep. Because Because it’s changed over the years. Because I learned a lot. And there are some big problems with the environment, just like wildfires. More rain or less rain in some countries. So I think we should do something about it. But I don’t know what the best way is. But I think for a few years ago I would have said, one, that I learnt some things.

What, if any, steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I tried not to waste electricity. Not that much, actually. I’m trying not to waste stuff. Yeah.

Collecting garbage?

No, but just recycling garbage and glass and.