A fabric laboratory truck in Morocco for Gambiologists and CitizenScientists

Sorry, I don’t remember… that’s Kerakoll, a highly successful company making mostly glues.

Nice to meet you too @winnieponcelet I checked the website of the biolab ReaGent and it’s awesome. Really it could be great if we can make new lab in the new Open Village .
And right we should continue with that plan :slight_smile:

For the mushroom spawn here in Egypt we use a atmospheric condition in a closed rooms controlled the humidity and other factors that effect the growth of spores of mushrooms as you know our climate can not enhance the growth of spores like in the other countries have forest and mushrooms grows naturally .

We have a suppliers that provide us with the mushrooms spawn and some of guides but also we do not have alot of species mushroom unfortunately .

My dream was to introduce the truffle Eu spices to Egypt and to make a truffle farm that could be great for our economy and also we could make some activity like safari as dogs are used for hunting those kind of mushrooms in the farm to encourage the tourism but i can’t unfortunately .

those links are for some published article on truffles I made it when I was in Finland

https://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=57817 |

this article is about detection of some enzymes extracted from two kind of truffles mycelium .

and this article for the test of environmental parameters to control the growth of mycelium

and this article of starter bacteria found with growth of mycelia of chantarella mushrooms that enhance the aroma colour and growth of the mycelium

and this about endogenous bacteria that used as a biocontrol agent to increase the shelf life for truffles .


Very Interesting

I do know young groups of bio-technicians of my country but it will be very difficult to implement here in Nepal.

For sure It’s already there in juva truffle center in Finland you can visit them :smiley:

what are our limits for equipment vs primers? for LAMP we need at least 4 and most likely 6 primers for a very short target. for ITS2 sequencing I did on wild worms, we had 2 primers for the first pcr amplification and then a third for the sequencing of the purified product (not barcoded)… Do we have access to NGS?

Are you talking about supply chains or cost @rachel ?

Let’s assume we don’t have access to anything. Next Gen Sequencing is a long shot. I’m unsure how the biotech situation is locally. @unknown_author, any thoughts how it is practically? Is there local access to equipment, reagents, …?

hi, Winnie!
I guess I was not sure if these propositions are just in general or for us to actually do when we are there for the event. for my wild worms, for 3 primers, you could get back species info within the time frame of our visit, but primers reagents time add up to big costs (and might prevent some of the fun things that are already planned for the Open Village festival…)!
talk of barcoding just made me think someone was really going to do some next gen sequencing (which I thought usually people get some service to do, right?).

I think two ideas got mixed up. This discussion is about the Morocco community space, not the OpenVillage Festival (although they are closely connected).

@unknown_author that’s a great idea. We should definitely make concrete plans for this in three weeks in Brussels. I asked around and several friends are willing to help out with the biolab/mushroom farm idea. cc @MatabNadim

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