After #lote5 Call vol.II - This is what we will do this week to get it all going!


Care (health and social): Is being driven by @Alberto who is one of Edgeryders co-founders and is driving the OpenCare project. Interested in collecting, sharing and learning from failures within health and social care? To get involved as a speaker, strategic partner or something else write to

Development@Natalia_Skoczylas was on the  Edgeryders Nepal team when the earthquake hit earlier this year and is coordinating this track on failures in development - how to avoid them, spot them in the making, and fix things before it’s too late. Write to to learn more about how we can work together.

Got ideas for other tracks that you would like to drive? leave a comment below!



This event is being built by participants, and the only way you can get a hold of a ticket is by contributing content, work or resources with which we can build a high quality, generative, experience for everyone involved. So

  1. Build campaign and activity calendar for Nov 1- JanWhat needs to be done, when and how do we know when it’s done (milestones)? Figuring this out and breaking it down into small tasks requires a team effort and a lot of strategic thinking. @Irene is driving the coordination efforts.

2.Make a join the team page like:

For each team, we need 2-3 people to look at the campaign and activity calendar and breakdown the work needed into clearly defined tasks that others can do. Let us know if you want to help set up the page, the manual for setting up these kind of “Minisite page”, with “featured tasks”, is available here:

3. Identify track speakers and ambassadors 

How? Make a one page description of event (the format being fail #unfail: talk-workshop couples, which result in individuals upgrading their skills and all of us leaving with a tangible takeaway ( a co-created e-book of cases and how-to guides that comes out of the event). 

The one-pager needs to describe the background to the event, who its for and what you will get out of it.  Once we have this one page document we reach out and engage first keynote speakers for each track. And then contact key people and invite others to do the same. @KiraVde is driving this, so leave a comment below letting her know if you are interested!

  1. Set up community calls events like this one for each week between now and the event (always using same google hangout link) for each week. If you need to be walked through it just leave a comment below and we’ll walk you through it!

  2. Build opening post/opportunity to collaborate (by Monday November 2): I [Your name ]  am building this track on topic [X], at this time, and this is how you can contribute. The topic is relevant/Im interested in it because [A], the aim of the track is for participants to leave having achieved [B], and the first speakers and sessions are [C]. To get involved write to me at: [your email address]

Image: Photo from Edgeryders gathering in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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