On using the nb of co-occurence, this is after quite drastic and unilateral, I agree. If we are to filter on some statistics, we might want to combine nb oc co-occ with something else and let users drive the selection from, let’s say, a scatterplot showing how statistics interact.
Intensify connections between our respective activities
A conclusion I reach after reading what each of you (WPs and partners) have written in the report, is we need to make a better connection between tasks being conducted by different partners in the project.
I’ll just give a hint of what came to my mind when reading, maybe more with a WP5-leader hat than a coordinator one.
I was amazed to read about Marco’s work. At the same time, I felt a bit sad not hearing about it earlier. I would certianly like to learn more about the methodology used, and of course pieces of content UBx could use to design an abstract map of these outputs, for instance.
The same goes with Erik and Tino’s survey. While I am unsure of the value of any visualization we could produce out of the data, I am pretty sure it could help intensify internal cohesion. There might be something to do with WeMake’s playbook content as well, for example.
I certainly miss other potential connections between other WPs and partners.
I think it is importnt that we reserve some time to discuss about this outloud and decide on steps to be taken to move in this direction.
I emailed this to Marco. Posting it here too because it may involve others - especially for the schedule:
I am taking over organising Edgeryders schedule at the consortium meeting.
I would like clarifications on a couple of things.
Finalizing the schedule: can we count on the internal meeting on the 13th and public events later? We are booking flights for a team of 5 Edgeryders, so we'd need to know if anything is happening on the 15th and led by other partners? If not, we will leave during the 15th.
Masters of Networks (full day on 14th - can go in parallel with other sessions) but we can only make it worthwhile if we know we are going to have more qualitative researchers in the room. Is there anyone you know/ at CERN we can invite specifically? Thanks!
How online interaction fosters action (3 hrs or up to a day, preferably on the 15th) Discussion on OpenCare informing the writing of a scientific paper. Led by Ezio, Federico TBC
Accommodations: we'd like to book at one of the CERN Hotels - according to the Booking Rules on the website we fall under one of the categories allowed to stay (such as "Participants in collaboration meetings" or "Organisers of and participants in scientific events"). But to book it seems we need a Guarantor at CERN. Can you help? Can we use your name and email?
"on the 15th we will be working with the Geneva Responsive City team, so no additional events can be stuffed on the calendar of the day (the point #3 has to be held on the 14th, or be postponed to another meeting). This answers also your 1st question.
Concerning your 2nd question, no qualitative researcher exist at CERN to the best of my knowledge. Experts in quantitative analyses and data visualisation can be searched for by open call.
I cannot be your guarantor. Once we have a final approved program, I will upload it on an internal service, and a guarantor will be assigned."
I propose we have the 14th then for the discussion on the paper and possibly MON (still uncertain, will hammer it out with @Amelia).
Am trying to find out whether waiting with the accommodation is a smart choice… I can imagine the procedural stuff take time…
Yes, we do have the same questions (there will be 3 or 4 of us). At first, I thought I’d prefer to stay in the downtown area. But I do want to stay close to the group.
Then great. I personally thought it would be a pity not to have alook around at this city (this is a bit sentimental, I have an aunt who lived there for some years …).
Hi all, given Marco’s response that the 15th is off limits, we need to group all public activities on the 14th. I wouldn’t mind keeping them intimate by spliting in groups - should we have parralel sessions.
I have made a proposal for Edgeryders led activities (TBC). Federico has kindly accepted to join the crew and use the opportunity to advance the research agenda wrt the path from online conversations to practical collaborations.
I suggest that due to time constraints we scrap a full fledged MoN and stick to a long session with a clearly defined goal: to walk out with 3 things that can be realistically implemented for the dashboard. That is up to @Alberto, @melancon etc to decide, but my proposal is that with @Amelia we design a “user survey” or a kit that we send out in advance to participants and even our network contacts and go through the results together in the room. I can imagine the survey containing:
Synthetic description of GraphRyder
Summary of the database so far
A user journey for how GraphRyder supports ethno analysis
Open ended questions questions departing from showing respondents: the global tag view; some selected views
Multiple choice and open questions with what could be useful to implement
anything you want to add.
We can also get in touch with all the ethnographers who wanted to be part of OpenCare at the time Amelia got hired… it could be interesting for them to see where the work progressed.
I am up for putting in a couple of days of work for this.
I hate to let go of a full MoN, but we simply have no time. Of the techniques prototyped in Milan, only the co-occurrence graph is fully implemented, and now periodic reporting is taking up a lot of bandwidth. For a full user testing we would need the other solutions implemented, too, as well as inline help and documentation. BTW, this can be another goal of the session: go through the user journey from the point f view of ethnographers, and come up with ways to make the same data more readable. The outcome would be issues on GitHub that @melancon and @Jason_Vallet commit to closing.
Heads up: Definitive agenda now being confirmed at CERN
@ all: I asked @markomanka earlier today to go ahead and confirm this version of the agenda so that we can plan the remaining of logistics and accommodation.
For inquiries about the 15th event I would ask him or the Scimpulse team to please give us more details regarding times and location, as well as if they need any specific input to be provided by someone in opencare. So far I understand it is an informal event and no roles need to be assigned ahead.
Everyone be there on site on Monday March 13 to start our consortim meeting right after lunch (early and short lunch, let’s head for a start around 1pm). I’ll propose an agenda soon. I prsume we’ll leave room to talk about the review and plan how we’ll conduct our second year in view of the reviewer’s feedback.
March 14, I understand we are going to have parallel sessions, with one focused on the dashboard use, to feedback the work done and provide directions for improvements.
I am unsure about March 15.
I need to know so I can organize my trip – things tend to go slowly down here. If I am to go with CERN housing, I need authorization to go with this out-of-the-market solution.
@markomanka may I ask you to an agenda here? Thanks
Arrival at Geneva airport at 9:40am. We (I’ll be with Jason, Luce cannot make it).
I am worried we won’t book rooms on time. I need time to arrrange bookings because of admin delays at LaBRI, when can we expect to have confirmation about getting a room at CERN.
@markomanka Let’s not wait until next week, I’ll be travelling all week, won’t be easy to organize things remotely.