Allergo Kì | How to represent allergens with icons

From 3rd to 17th July 2017 we interviewed 20 people to define how to represent food allergies with icons.



Icons from Food Allergy Italia web site:

  1. We numbered all icons from 1 to 16
  2. We showed them to the sample.
  3. Each person told us which allergen is represented.
  4. We collected all answers.

Icons recognizability ⋍40%


In our opinion, icons have a low level of recognizability because images represent a sample taken from biological classification of a given allergen.

For example: the “mollusk” allergen is represented by a snail, an invertebrate animal belonging to the mollusk phylum.



  1. We re-elaborated an icon set with:
    -small size
    -one color (Black)
    -only drawing (without text)
    [The hardest design: lupins icon!]

2. We numbered all icons from 1 to 16
3. We showed them to the sample.
4. Each person told us which allergen is represented.
5. We collected all answers.

Icons recognizability ⋍90%


We have developed a new icons set, looking for and then pointing out the allergen food mostly used in recipes of mediterranean diet.

For example, we have represented the “mollusk” allergen as mussels, frequently used in recipes of italian cuisine, as starter and main courses.

In summary, we have displaced the signifier into the food field.


  • Re-design icons.
  • Select color pallet.
  • Add new five icons to represent molecules that cause food intolerance (tot. 22 icons).

TEST Recognize the allergens from the images!

Please support the Allergo Kì research by doing a simple survey.

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