Appointments with the confesseurs

Works for me thanks, seb

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ok, will request an online meeting for you then.

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Hi Ugne,

3 and 4 june is Doudou in Mons, it’s a huge event, we are all looking forward to participate. For us it’s not possible to come to BXL. Saturday 3 june before 14h it’s possible for us to meet the confesseurs online if that is envisagable?

Hi @CaroB
I understand. If it’s online, it could be also another day. I have planned a call with Seb on Monday, 29 May, if you prefer. Would 2h40 suit you two? If not, suggest another date.

Monday 29/05 at 14h40 is perfect for us.

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Dear Ugne,

Unfortunately I am attending a conference that weekend. I will be available again from Tuesday June 6th.


Hi @Adriana
What about having an online meeting next week? would any day suit you?
Thank you

Hi all, i sent you emails, but here is an official schedule for confesseurs meetings. Let me know if there is any problem to attend. Both confesseurs are aware and agreed with this schedule.

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Thank you Ugne, that works for us :slight_smile: I didn’t receive an email though.

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It’s fine

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@ugne :
@Marc_O and Ana will be going from mid july to end of august. Should they try and see the confesseur before going away? Is there already a plan for the next wave of meetings?

Hi @ugne this is Janet, a new member :slight_smile: could you let us know when is the next round of meetings with the confesseur? cc @Victor

HI @Victor , hi @Janet
Thanks for the question. Let me ask the confesseurs whether they will be willing to see you face to face on weekends, would you be available on the coming weekends, on Saturday, for instance? Like that i will try to gather a bigger group of newcomers. Otherwise, it will be online.

@mieke , you should be also involved in this conversation, please let me know if there is one saturday in the coming weeks you would be free to see the confesseurs. The F2F meeting takes 30min and it’s usually in Brutopia; avenue Van Volxem 381, 1190 Forest.

@ugne I am availabe this Saturday, the 1st of July, before noon (and preferably as early as possible), and on Saturday the 15th of July, the whole day.

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This Saturday will be too short notice & i know because one confesseur is coming from Antwerp they prefer as of 12pm. I will try for 15 July. If not, we will do it online. @Victor , @Janet , @Marc_O , would Saturday, 15 July suit you? I would say from 12h to 2pm (30min each)
Thank you

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15 of July will work for us but its a bit complicated with time availability :slight_smile: to be honest we will prefer August 13, 20 or 27th but if July 15th works for the majority, we see how we can arrange it :slight_smile:

Hello @ugne,
15 July is ok for me!

Hi @mieke , @Marc_O & @Victor !

Good news!
So I can now confirm that both confesseurs are happy to meet you on Saturday, 15 July as of 12:00.

I don’t know if you have any preference, if not, can I put you in the following order:

12:00 - 12:30 Mieke
12:30 - 13:00 Marc
13:00 - 13:30 Victor

Location: Brutopia (address indicated above in the chat) but will reconfirm with our contact if ok

Préparation: no preparation (although you might be asked to show your bank account on your mobile)

Let me know! Thanks

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