ASBL photos and mini-bios for the website

Sure Alberto. This is the French version: “Avide d’apprendre tout au long de ma vie, toujours intéressée à découvrir ce qui m’entoure et prête à discuter avec tout un chacun.”

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Odile: you have now been added to the website. Your picture is a little small, so the photo looks grainy. No big deal, but if you do have a higher-resolution one it might be worth uploading it.

Thank you Alberto! In the portrait folder, I just replaced the previous photo with another one (one that is a bit clearer I think) :smirk:.

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Yes, much better!

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Hello @reef-associate,
(cc @reef-recruitment)

If you haven’t done so yet, can you please share a picture of every adult in your household together with a mini-bio (max 10 words)?

We use all this for the “people” section of our website: Edgeryders | Start

If you have children, we’d also be grateful if you could share the names and ages of the little ones. No pictures needed.

This is the link to the “portraits” folder on Nextcloud: Login – Nextcloud

Thanks in advance!


I assume this is the post for my mini-bio?

‘Human dynamics, cooking from scratch, biking & swimming, city or nature? undecided’

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