ASBL photos and mini-bios for the website

Hi @alberto , thank for reminding me (again) to do that.
Picture is in the portait folder !
Mini bio : An urbanism nerd who also loves dancing and gardening.
Sometimes does both at the same time.


Mini bio of Quentin : Data science wizzard, doing sport like he breathes. Always up for a good belgian beer… after sport course !
Picture : in the portrait folder


Hi all and @alberto ,

I’ll still have to find the portrait folder, but what to tell about me: sportive guy (running, cycling, dancing) working in the world of “employment” (let’s say: Actiris)

Is that enough? :wink:

Hi @Lieven , yes, it’s enough. The portraits folder is indeed hidden under “Communications => Website assets”, but the search bar in Nextcloud can help. Here’s a direct link:

forever curious; like conversation


ping @alberto Good morning
Here is my mini-bio : Number whisperer, detail magician, tiptoeing towards daring leaps.

Photos : You can use my avatar photo the Reef for the website.
For our household photo to be used during presentations, I have placed one on Next-cloud.


@joannes and @LuciaM now added to the website. Lucia, I had initially cropped your photo on Nextcloud (my mistake, I had not yet read yor post here). I then tried to to restore the earlier version from the version history, but it did not work: Nextcloud gives me no error messages, but it restores a .part file instead. Can I ask you to re-upload that photo? Sorry about that,

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I suppose you talk about the household photo ? I have re-uploaded it.

An afterthought : not sure if you want to already mention Marius on the website also, as you did for Edgar and Ada ? Marius (7y)

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@alberto Hello Alberto
My photo is uploaded in nextcloud
Mini-bio : storyteller, curious, cultural events addicted


Added @SophieC and the reference to Marius (this is for @LuciaM ).

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Queer-feminist. Love for learning & food. Handy. Wild life with binoculars.

Picture uploaded in the folder :wink:

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You are live. Welcome back!

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Ocean-loving, book-addicted, trail-running, number-crunching researcher, also trying to be a mom.

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I also added a picture.

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@alberto My mini bio:
Sax-playing and kite-driven foodie.

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Added for @Tinne and @Koen.

Hello @alberto!

Here is my mini-bio : Funny sociologist and serious life-of-the-party

Photos : You can use my avatar photo the Reef for the website.
For our household photo to be used during presentations: its was already done by Lucia on nextcloud :wink:


Also now added @AlinT to the website.


Hello @alberto!

Here is my mini-bio : Lifelong learner, always keen and ready for conversation and discovering what’s around me.

I just put a picture in the portait folder. I hope it will be good enough, otherwise, please let me know. Thanks! :pray:


Thanks Odile! Do you want to have a go at translating into French? I am happy to do it, but my French is not native-level (we now have the website in three languages).

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