كن نبات للزراعة بدون تربة " Be a plant " for Hydroponic planting

The second Project I’d like to introduce for you is Kon Nabat " Be a plant " . The founder is Karim El Kazzaz , he worked in different remote areas in Sinai & Siwa to improve the planting productivity of farms “Both traditional and Hydroponic planting” and produce organic crops.
Their mission is not only to improve planting sector in Egypt , but also to Teach people how to plant in their homes or roofs using Hydroponic planting way by organizing workshops. They Dream with filling the markets with organic food to improve the public Health and to enlarge the planted area inside Cairo, by planting the roofs and out side Cairo, by planting the Sahara and remote areas .

Their FB page : كن نبات

المشروع الثانى الذى أود أن أقدمه لكم هو "كن نبات " . و صاحب الفكرة م/ كريم القزاز , كريم اشتغل فى مناطق نائية فى سيناء و فى سيوة لتحسين الانتاجية الزراعية للمزارع " بالطريقيتين التقليدية و الزراعة الهيدروبونيك " و انتاج محاصيل عضوية .
مهمتهم ليست فقط تحسين قطاع الزرعة فى مصر ولكن أيضا تعليم الأفراد كيفية الزراعة فى منازلهم أو فوق الأسطح باستخدام الزراعة الهيدروبونيك عن طريق تنظيم ورش العمل .
حلمهم أن تملأ الأسواق المصرية بالأطعمة العضوية لتحسين الصحة العامة و توسيع الرقعة المزروعة داخل القاهرة من خلال زراعة الاسطح و خارجها من خلال زراعة الصحاري و المناطق النائية
صفحة الفيس بووك : كن نبات


hey @monarezk can you invite karim to join us here. I would love to know more about how he started working on this, what challenges did he face or facing now.

currently we are planning to co-design the house “The Reef” and his thoughts on how to provide organic food could be interesting. Also how to combine what @MonicaZacharia is doing and having a zero waste home Plus using the compost in planting the roof as well. this could be very interesting to start the Reef co-designing process.


Hi Hazem,

I Invited Karim , And he is here now :slight_smile: , @Konnbat please join us.
& @hazem I’d like to help in co-designing "The Reef " if you need help :slight_smile: .


Hi @monarezk and @Konnbat. This project looks really interesting. Do you know what the timeframe is to go from zero to having a crop that you can eat instead of buying things from shops?

Also, what kind of costs/equipment would you need to get something like this going in a new space and with people who don’t have experience planting things?

It’s interesting to know as it could give us an idea of what could be done within a reasonable timeframe at the Reef…


Hello all @nadia @hazem
It will be our pleasure to be part of this project.
But I think it will be great if we fix time for a meeting as the soilless culture (hydroponics) have alot of systems and a wide factors based on the type of plant and which system will be used and unfortunately we are working in the field (farms) these days ,so we are not Avalible alot on the internet , so I am sorry for the late reply.
If you all don’t mind we can meet at fab lab maadi and for more information don’t hesitate to contact me .


Sorry I thought that you are live in Egypt, so if we can figure out a way to contact like a conference call via Skype or video call so I can explain to you more about hydroponics and how I can help you in your project (re design reef) it will be good . I am waiting for your reply as I am really interested ,ready to collaborate with you in this project @hazem @monarezk


Answering for your questions yes we can go from zero to end product that they can eat or sell if they do it on a large scale.
According to the cost of equipments and timeline it’s vary depending on the kind of system and crop. I think if we talk you can figure out the overall view .


Hey @Konnbat sorry was traveling and I arrived Cairo yesterday but couldn’t fix my Internet connection. it would be nice to have you in our community call to explain more about hydroponics and how could we develop a small scale project.
Are you free on Saturday at 11 am ? I can come to fablab maadi and we can join the call together, or we can just coordinate a meet up and I will upload a summary of our discussion.


Thanks @monarezk
and you are welcomed to join your thoughts on the Reef , how do you imagine such a place to be. you can also add your thoughts on how we should design the living spaces, working spaces, I am sure you have ideas. ( sawa is the space for this take a look and post your thoughts )


@hazem Never mind , I hope you had a nice trip.
I think it will be nice if we meet at fab lab maadi and you can upload the summary for our meeting.
how about Monday ?

Sure , I will :slight_smile: