Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 08MAT

I think, for example, or it’s like that if this is needed or in the car,

Electronics in the car. What do you think about it? What is the first what do you think on that?

Um, well, I don’t need much electrical electronics in my car.

Well, I mean, there is a whole computer in the car, but usually I just take my iPhone to navigate, you know? It’s actually not part of the car as my car doesn’t have a GPS. But, um, and of course, the radio. This is usually what I use,

In your opinion, are cars that include electronic components, easier or harder to adapt to circular economy principles than regular normal cars?

Well, I mean, it’s like a separate, separate issue, reusing the electronics. I mean, this is also the case with computers, with all the materials that could be should be reused. I think it’s coming more and more important, especially with electric cars where you even have more electronics in it and the whole system, electronic systems in the car. Um, it’s definitely important and I think it has gained in importance again with supply chain difficulties during the pandemic where microprocessors were not available. I think this also is. Puts pressure in actually reusing these materials.

What can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy in your meaning? In your thoughts?

Well, build up, you know, the how do you say build up, increase the possibilities to actually bring back the car so it can be reused, you know, and also manufacture cars with reused materials and also promote this, you know, and I think this could also be an issue in the marketing if if the industry tells people, well, this car has been manufactured with that, that percentage of reused materials.

So for me, that would be a motivation to buy it. Okay.

Do you have concerns about the privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, GPS?

This is an issue, definitely. I mean, and I mean with the modern cars where actually the the manufacturers have actually access to to real time data, I think this is an issue. Yeah.

And what is if this Electronic components would be reused.

Then of course the data should be definitely deleted and should be guaranteed that it’s not stored anywhere.

What about electronics in general? Every kind of electronics.

Regarding the data? I mean, this is we leave our traces everywhere if we go to the Internet or use the mobile phone. I think this is not only an issue in the in the in the car industry, but in general. Yeah.

What about concerns about privacy? If we are thinking about circular economy practices.

As long as it is guaranteed that no data from previous users is is stored and it’s been taken care of, that this is really removed. And but I mean, you know, this is hard to to control definitely.

does recycling and reusing mean different things to you.

Um yes. I mean reuse is actually reusing a device, be it for a different purpose or for the same purpose. And recycling is really taking a extracting the materials and making new new devices out of it.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one is not at all concerned. Five is very concerned. How concerned are you about about environmental pollution and environmental waste?