Bern User Forum 2023 Transcripts - 08MAT

I’m very concerned. So it would be a five. Why? Well, I mean, this is an issue in our societies. You know, we we are using too many resources. It’s beyond actually the the capacity of our globe. And we need to find a way to live within the limits that that the planet gives us. You know, and right now, this is not the case. So this is an issue of concern. And I mean, it’s also connected to global to climate change. You know, using more and more resources produces greenhouse gases and so on. And so there are limits to this.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I try to use the car consciously and usually whenever possible. I use my electric bike or public transportation, and housing is also an issue. You know, using less energy for housing and nutrition. Okay. That’s where I try to be more sustainable.

What do you think? How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

yes, I mean, this is very important. We have to change, all of us. Of course, if a single individual changes, it’s his or her lifestyle. It doesn’t bring much. But society as a. All has to to change its lifestyle. And this is the key.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

You can do this on each of these levels, of course, But I mean, keeping circles as the loops as close as possible, it makes sense to to do this on a regional level. But I mean, today our value chains are really globalized. So in some cases there will be no way around to actually also think this on a global scale. But I think wherever possible, it should be run on on a on a regional scale. But this really depends on the on the sector.

And regarding to the car production, what do you think?

It’s probably more global with all the materials involved and the global value chains. But I mean, there are tendencies to actually, at least in Europe, to bring this more on the European level. When you look at the battery production, that there are tendencies to bring this back to Europe. And then it’s easier to to to run this on a on a European level, actually. Yeah.

Thank you very much.

You’re welcome.
