Waag Society and Digi.bio are organising a biohackathon on July 8-9 in Amsterdam. They asked if we are up for joining with a team of 4-5 people. We will be able to experiment with the open source microfluidics chips Digi.bio has developed.
The event will be a mix of presentations and hands-on work, with a focus on the latter. Many experts in the field will be there. Waag Society itself is of course also worth a visit!
This is a good occassion to get some more input on the plans we have regarding microfluidics.
We can already go on the evening of the 7th to avoid early travels and to enjoy the evening in Amsterdam.
As we discussed in the meeting of June 7th, we could try to replicate some of the work we do with the plasmids on the chips.
Who’s up for joining? Any other ideas? 
Re: Biohackathon at Waag Society 8-9 July
I am totally up for it! Don’t have a good idea at the moment but I will keep my mind open the coming week.
I also want to join! Blocked in my calendar!
I am sure that by then we will have an excellent purpose for the microfluidics device.
Some pings for people who have shown interest before @ritavht | @Rpelicae | @Massimiliano
Good idea, count me in.
Will give us a lof of exposure to new ideas and maybe new partnerships…
Re: Good idea, coint me in.
Hey @stevendeblieck
Just out of curiosity, how did you get involved with the openInsuline project?
It seems that you just materialised out of thin air? :D
Hi @stevendeblieck , welcome to the platform!
I’ve known you for a while, but the others have not. Maybe you can shortly introduce yourself and say a few words on why you want to get involved with Open Insulin and join us for the hackathon :-)
I hope you can make it to the next Open Insulin gathering on June 21st!
I indeed appeared like a rabbit out of a hat @BramDeJaegher
I talked about it with @WinniePoncelet a while ago, somehow something always came up and then I just forgot about it basically 
Anyway I’d be happy to join, mainly because it’s a meaningful project and it’s something completely new for me, so I’ll not get bored fast.
I’d be happy to join the hackathon but if the places are limited by all means choose someone else…
Ok it seems like I can’t participate anyway that weekend…
Count me in!
Yes, I would really like to join and the dates work for me, so count me in!
The call is out
They just launched the official event call. Through the mailing list I got this accompanying email:
This in an invitation to the first Amsterdam Biohackathon organized. This Biohackathon event will focus on experimenting with the microfluidic technology called “Digital Microfluidics” in the context of automation of molecular biology and microbiological applications, diving deeper in how microfluidics, automation and software are changing the way biology is performed and how researchers and and extended audience can benefit from these systems.
A number of tracks have been proposed such as:
- sensors
- biosensors (isothermal amplification and PCR, staining )
- cell free system (GFP)
- machine vision
Focus will be on how bio-molecular assays can be performed in a micofluidic droplet-based environment and how visual programming and software is used to control such experiments. Thanks to the contribution of CellFree Technologies we will be able to run cell free experiments in microliter droplets. Another side track is looking into how “biosensors” like PCR and LAMP would fit into the system and how to visualize the signal of the reaction itself.
Machine vision and sensors are both tracks that that focus on how software and sensors, once integrated in such microfludiics systems, can be of use to control or observe particular phenomenons (i.e color change, fluorescence)
Digi.Bio will provide a number of devices based on digital microfluidics technology that the participants will be able to use to automate the choosen track or a project the participant will propose autonomously. Waag Society is providing support and hosting the event in the beautiful Waag building. The Biohackathon welcomes all applications, from any research field, that would benefit of microfluidic automation, thermal control and a suite of sensors and magnetic systems (see drive folder for recent literature on the topic).
The Biohackathon will start 10am July 8 and end 6pm 9 July, 2017.
For further information or application of individual teams contact info@digi.bio
I am in!
Would be great to join if there is space left!