Blivande House and Studio Beta sneak peek

Last night we held a preview evening at the newly founded Blivande House in Stockholm. We have early access to the 1000 m2 building in the Frihamnen harbour close to central Stockholm. Edgeryders will have a presence in the house, where I will work alongside @brooks and others on the Participio Development Lab and other Edgeryders projects. Most of that work will happen on the second floor of the house, in what we call Studio Beta – a participatory workspace for 20 to 30 members. On the first floor, we will have 300 m2 of art workshop and maker space with large cutting tables, a laser cutter, a CNC-machine, woodworking equipment and a large format printer. Artists, designers and makers can become members of this space we call Studio Tau, which is also available to all members of Studio Beta. Finally, our community centre Noden will live on at Blivande and be the beating heart of the house. All photos of from last night are from the Node rooms of Blivande, which will also be an event space for workshops, concerts, seminars, conferences and parties.

This will be a home for Edgeryders in Stockholm, and once we open I’ll make sure all relevant information is available on how to come and work at Studio Beta while doing Edgeryders stuff.

In the coming months, a lot of work will go into getting the second floor ready for the first members of Studio Beta who will start working there in January. We have two architects working on the floor plan and concept and will start building and refurbishing in November.

Studio Beta floor plan (2d. floor of the Blivande House)

Today I’ve been working from the still empty but beautiful rooms on the first floor. This room will eventually be turned into a room for yoga, meditation, dancing and workshops.


Congratulations @hugi! Blivande certainly seems to becoming true to its name :wink: What a great satellite for Edgeryders’ magic. Really looking forward to joining you there in the not too distant future. In the meantime, kudos to you and your fellows, and sending warmth

BOOOOM! Ser ju ut att bli riktigt bra detta <3

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Love it!

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What a beautiful and warm looking space. I can’t wait to see it all in action :grinning:

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