As noted in a recent post (Recruitment process review), there were a few glitches with the buddy system after the last presentation. One of the suggested strategies to address this was to add a slide to the presentation to provide more clarity regarding what to expect as an Exploring Member. The other was to set up a dedicated buddy pool, so here we are
The buddy pool will consist of Full Members who willing and able to :
· Read the Buddy Manual and Onboarding Manual
· Prioritise a one-on-one meeting with a new member in the week to 10 days after a presentation
· Facilitate Exploring Members joining events and meeting the rest of the group
· Encourage them to join the platforms and fill in the onboarding documents
· Help them be aware of the deadlines for taking the next step, if they choose to do so
As part of this process, we will also try and make the setting up of one-on-one meetings easier for whoever from Team R&O is taking care of that (currently @Mieke). So we will create an Excel sheet with the availabilities and preferred meeting locations of Full Member buddies to fill in ahead of each presentation for this purpose.
So if you feel like you have the time, energy and enthusiasm to buddy up with an Exploring Member, please let us know below this post. It is important to note that no-one should feel obliged to take up this role. There are 16 Full Members, and not everyone needs to take this on. If you are already doing a lot in one of the active teams, or you have too much going on right now, feel free to pass on this. Ideally, we will have 6–7 people ahead of the presentation next Wednesday, and we can re-evaluate who’s in the pool before the following one…
Hi Chris,
a bit busy with team building as a few people are stepping back for a while.
But from mid-june onwards, this should be better, so sign me up for buddying from then onwards…
Could you all please fill in (asap ) your preferred meeting locations & availabilities in this document. For the availabilities: please indicate AM, PM or evening in the columns with the dates. In the meantime, I have sent out the survey to the people who attended the presentation and I will match them with one of you as soon as possible for a one-on-one.
Hello current buddies (@ChrisM@manuelpueyo@els@Dave_Starhawk@Quentin ), thx again for making yourselves available, it is really much appreciated especially in these busy (and exciting) times.
Could you let me know:
did you have the one-on-one already or when is it planned?
after the one-on-one: does the newling want to start exploring? If yes, I will send them a login for Nextcloud.
Since we turned yesterday’s plenary into a full members meeting, and the next plenary only takes place in 3 weeks, (i.e. 26 May), team R&O decided to extend the deadline for applying for associate membership until 27 May. By doing so, we give the exploring members a chance to attend at least one plenary meeting before they take their decision. => Could you please inform your newlings about the extended deadline?
Just a small reminder to tell them about the possibility to sit on a team meeting as an observer. They can find an overview of the upcoming meetings in the calender on Nextcloud.
Team Community Life will also oranganize a social event between now and the 27th of May (their deadline). More news on that will follow soon.
And another last reminder: please let me know if the newling decides to start exploring the project after you had your one-on-one. Then I can send them a login for Nextcloud.
just wondering sth (and i know you’re busy with lots of other things):
are you looking into ways to (better) integrate (exploring)/associate members into the different teams?
I’ve been looking at the calendar and don’t see many ‘accessible’ meeting for the exploring members to explore a team. Hope it will change by the time some of them become associates…
And if we expect them maybe to go through the associate membership faster…
Or is this sth that every team needs to reflect about?
It’s on our radar. We’ll be meeting on the 19th to address some of the challenges and flesh out some further details. We’ll present the proposal at the plenary of the 26th.
Hi @reef-recruitment !
Just to let you know that I’m joining the buddy pool, and I will have the great pleasure to start by budying Alin and Lucia!
Also, can we just confirm and clarify our new process for associate members to join teams?
From what I understood, consent on people officially joining teams would happen at a later stage (when people become full members right?). For now new members fill in the document about which teams they want to join, and can approach team coordinators. And validation about them joining is the decision of the coordinator of that specific team.
I get the feeling that the process is not fully clear though.
For instance, do we need any overall coordination about this, or could people join as many teams as they would like, so that they can make an informed choice about where they want to be?
And as for the practicals, should we tell our buddied to systematically contact the coordinator themselves or should teams coordinators check the document and contact them?
You guys might be planning something already, but it’s just that I feel we have some extremely keen people, and that I am eager to see them joining teams and helping out! Now that things are less ectic I’m sure it will be easier to make happen!
as mentionned in the last full members meeting, we have 6 new associate members who are thrilled to continue The Reef journey…
So it’s time to assign them a buddy… Would you be ok to be a buddy for the following associate members?
Richard => Thomas
Sophie B => Odile
Chris => Perrine/Chris
Lie => Hannes/Febe
Mieke (and me till the end of the month): Hannah and Jeroen + Marije and Roger.
fyi: Lie will be working on an update of the Onboarding Manual, so no need to share that yet…
If you’re one of the buddies, please reach out to the Associate Member(s) and let them know who you are and how you can help. It might also be worth checking out the email that they received recently, letting them know what the next steps are in the process…