Calling All Edgeryders: Playing the game is making the game

You may have noticed that in Edgeryders you belong to a totem house, symbolised by the totem animal you selected while filling out your profile information. (if you haven’t already done it you can do it here). Edgeryders is designed so that in order for you to do well in the game, your house needs to also do well. It is also designed in such a way that the players who can encourqage most collaboration between the houses are awarded special badges in recognition of their contributions to a better community for all of us. Here are the house scores so far:

[Chart of points and badges per house here]

We conceived Edgeryders game as a generative one made with, for and by the community. Edgeryders interact both on the online platform and offline such as in the meetups next week, and so a game should reflect this. It is a variation Enzo Mari’s Fable game. It’s bit of work so I wanted to check with the community whether it’s a good idea!

How To Play Edgeryders:

The game is based on interlocking cards printed with the totem animals and other characters and objects identified by the community. Players develop narratives based on the ‘intersections’ of the cards; each new card combination brings together different characters and suggests a new story. Each card is composed of one central, and two side sections. Players contribute mission reports and collaborate to create the cards and narratives.

The proposed rules (please give feedback, it’s your game!): Each House is responsible for putting together 6 cards (one for each Campaign or theme). At their disposal they have: the edgeryders platform, the edgeryders blog, facebook and twitter accounts, and the visual assets necessary to make the cards as well as a house coordinator from the edgeryders staff to help if needed.

  1. Complete the Campaign: A card is composed of one central, and two side sections- and they are filled in by players, every completed mission adds a missing part of the card. In order for a card to be considered complete, all members of a house need to have posted a mission report for each mission in a campaign. There is one card for each campaign, to pass across the finish line, a house needs it’s members to have completed all the campaigns.

  2. More people make a richer story: each of the totem animals in the central section of the house cards, is made up of small shapes called tangrams. Each tangram is a link to a submitted ryde. The more players, the more detailed the totem animal, and the richer the data informing the policy recommendations ie.e the heavier they weigh.

  3. A card needs a backgrounds, other characters, and objects: each house will have to select the most important backgrounds, characters and objects for each story. This is done by reading mission reports posted by members of same house and asking questions to uncover them. Think of each mission report posted as one where there alot of characters, background and objects to be discovered. You get to them by reading the reports and interacting with the mission report authors to discover them.

Where will this all go?

Discovering the world Edgeryders are building is the equivalent of generating narratives from different combinations of the cards generated by the communitie’s personal stories- their submissions in reponse to the mission briefs. And devising recommendations is the equivalent of understanding how the different characters interact with one another and hown they can be excited into at least not standing in the way of developmnents that are good for everyone, and ideally can actively contribute towards achieving them. At the end of this all, we will create a Massive deck of Cards: The best card for each campaign will be selected by the community and together they will form the official Edgeryders Game Deck. We’ll commission them in a huge format to set the backdrop/ scenogrqaphy of the conference in Strasbourg in May. The Edgeryders with the largest number of badges and points for their contributions to a card will be invited to host a session during the conference as a representative of the community for a campaign. With the proceeds going towards an Edgeryders -project selected for support by the community.