Career Shifitig Event in Suez canal region

Event name:
(Career shifting in Suez canal region)

A Topic of career shifting that concerns our whole generation, leaving us with many questions that need to be answered. Change is hard, but there are ways to prepare and manage transitions that can help you adjust well and enjoy the fulfillment and new challenges that lie ahead. We will help them in exploring the career shifting through our event that will held on 3 days.

Community development
Startups empowerment

Benefits to our community:
 Learn how to find a fulfilling career that work for them
 Learn from successful career changers who changed careers and landed successfully
 Expand their network
 to leverage previous experience and knowledge in a new career

Proposal program:
Date: 28/29/30 November

Date Start End Task

28 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Registration
28 2:00pm 3:30 pm Talk about the challenges and advantages of changing careers at 40 or later
28 3:30pm 4:00pm Career exam
28 4:00pm 5:00 pm Explaining the result of the exam
28 5:00 pm 5:30pm Break
28 5:30 7:00 Show the latest fields that fit the technological future
29 2:00 4:00 Learn from successful career changers who changed careers at 40 or later and landed successfully.
29 4:00 5:00 How networking could help in career shifting
29 5:00 5:30 Break
29 5:30 7:00 Job searching
30 2:00 4:00 Shinnying up their CV
30 4:00 5:30 Mock interviews
30 5:30 6:00 Break
30 6:00 7:00 Meet up to share their experience.

Organization name: MOK3B Venue: Egypt, Ismailia, Mok3b co-working space Mok3b focuses on three categories that we think it’s essential to the enrichment of our local community: small businesses and startups, student activities and non- governmental organizations. We allow our visitors who are engaged in such activities to come and work on projects. “mok3b” is a friendly place where people can mingle and expand their professional network. Additionally, “mok3b” provide individuals and organizations them with a comforting space, allowing them to work efficiently on their projects without going through the hassle of finding an office space. The co-working space also works hand-in-hand with NGOs towards the enrichment of our local community through cultural events and community-mobilizing movements for social causes.