@Lee Proposition.
Coming plenary should bring some more info (price of options, final plans (still to be validated by the architects after the pm of 15/01), location of buanderie,…)
TB asks all full members to update the choice of units (if needed) within the 2 days following the PM of 15/01 (so 17/01).
This info is shared with the group (let’s say 18/01). (or TB shares the survey with all FM)
Informal chats can start /continue.
The people still having doubts (still waiting for a meeting with the architects, waiting for info from the architects, still need to see the bank, change of thought because of the results shared of the above survey) share that with TB/the group and as soon as they have clarity on their final decision they again update their choice via the survey + communicate that to TB/the group (without waiting this final date of the 25/01).
At each change of the survey: TB personally contacts those members directly impacted by the change. e.g.
- sb indicated as his units: priority 1: A5 , prioirty 2 A6, priority 3 A7. Because (s)he is not on top of the list, (s) he finally gets A6 assigned. If then because of a change by another reefling, (s)he doesn’t get A6 , but A5 or A7. In that case TB will contact him/her.
- same case above, (s)he gets A6 assigned, but A7 is also still free. If because of a change in unit by another reefling, A7 is no longer free. TB won’t contact the reefling in question, as this doesn’t impact his attributed unit.
25/01 stays the absolute final date to communicate your choice of unit
Does that work?