Key outstanding questions that we need to answer!
We had another session today to deal with the questions outlined in an earlier version of this wiki (that has been left at the bottom of this entry) - the session confronted questions of privacy, design objects and overall approach. Focused specifically on two core ideas; The unMonasterians Kit and How unMonasterians Sleep? (a heated topic).
The structure and contents goes something like this:
Guide Line Specifications
The unMonasterian Kit
‘Needs’ that define the requirements of the Kit
-Hygiene and Cleanliness
-Interface with Community
The relationship between the unRule and the design of unMonastery
Guide Line Specifications:
Where possible all design elements should be:
Collapsable / Rearrangeable / Moveable
Foster and Facilitates Communication
Minimise Decoration (No Decoration)
Hackable / Modifiable
Multi-Purpose / Multi-Use
Sourced Locally
Carbon Neutral
Low Cost
Specific Issues to Matera that require design solutions:
and… ?
'Needs' that define the requirements of the Kit
Hygiene and Cleanliness
No brainer – also the experiment at LOTE3 went reasonably well. The main point of contention concerned the appropriateness of having a dishwasher (some perceive it as superfluous, or even dysfunctional as it breaks the edgyness of unMonastic life). There was no discussion on having a washing machine.
Interface with Community
There was surprisingly little discussion about worktools. There seems to be consensus that people will have permament workspaces, available round the clock. [Leo] pointed out that workstations need to be personal too, but he might have been thinking of his particular work as a technologist, as opposed to, say, a herbal garden.
Previous Post Below
How will we sleep?
If you view the popplet below you’ll see due to certain conditions of the building, it’s necessary that we have sleeping quarters on the top floor of the building - however we’ve yet to establish how this will work. Two suggestions have been put forward so far, firstly, we should have rollmats or some form of modular bed system, so to allow for all spaces to be transformable, rather than fixed.
The second suggestion was that the unMonasterians sleep in the community rather than in the building, this is tricky due to the funding agreements the model is based on - however it might be a way of significantly increasing the capacity of the unMonastery project, 10 inside the building, 10 in the community - on rotation.
Things to consider:
-How will we achieve privacy? Does privacy exist in the unMonastery?
-How might sleeping arrangements within Matera lead to better integration?
-What kind of bed/structure should be used for rest?
-Which rooms should be bedrooms?
-What else?
The unMonasterians Kit - What's in it?
We agreed with MIMERS that the easiest way to think about the furniture, equipment and design requirements of the unMonastery is through the consideratin of a kit for each unMonasterian. This should take into account an array of different elements that we’ve discussed over the past couple of days - including: Furniture for each unMonasterian (Bed, Table, Stool, etc?), Uniform or outfit?, Tech (Tools for doing things like Open Street Map on a rolling basis) and what else?
Questions to answer:
-What’s in the kit exactly?
-If this kit includes items of furniture, what is the brief for these items? (Each item should be easy to modify, easy to repair, collapsoable, modular, multi-use)
-What are the key pieces of tech kit that should be added?
Orange = Actionables / Next Steps
More information :