Code master thread for Nica and Sirin

This is the thread to consolidate any discussions pertaining to standardizing code usage in the second phase of Treasure coding (where @siri will code interviews in German, and @Nica will code interviews in English). The goals for this stage of coding are:

  1. To minimize creation of new codes, as codes created for the first stage, and which were used to create SSNA visualizations for the first Treasure report should be mostly sufficient.

  2. If/when new codes are created, the goal is to standardize their usage between @Nica and @siri

  3. To discuss, if the need arises, borderline/ambiguous cases where a creation of a new code might or might not be warranted

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Hi @siri ! I wanted to see if you have time some time this week to have a short meeting just to check in and see how the work is going?

Dear @Nica, many thanks for your message. I am happy to check in with you - unfortunately, I have been sick for a while - would it be possible next week? I also haven’t properly started with the new batch of German interviews as I first had to install myself again here.



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Hi @siri sorry to hear you have been sick! I hope you are on the mend.

Sure, next week is fine. How about Wednesday or Thursday?

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Hi @siri just following up on this. If you think it does not make sense to meet this week because you have not properly started yet, can you please let me know when you think work will be under way, and when you are likely to be finished with the German language batch? We have a new person joining the team who will help with visualizations starting in September, and it would be great to have new coded material for him to start working on.

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Hi @Nica ,

apologies for my tardy reply - I was off due to my nasty flu. I think it would be more efficient if we could postpone the check-in to roughly 1.5 weeks - I am planning to start coding the German batches this week. Since there are not too many, I guess it won’t take too long (probably 3 weeks?) but I would be happy if I could tell you by the end of this week after I have started. Have you also started coding the English batches? I couldn’t see the codings so far.

Hi Sirin! Hope you are feeling better with the flu.

Sure, that sounds fine. I have been coding earlier material and have not yet started on Bern. I finished coding the 4WD event, and will do the English language Bern ones next. Once we decide on a meeting date, I will aim to finish the English ones by then. Let me know how you think the pacing is looking.

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@siri how about September 15th?

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Dear @Nica, thanks for yyour message. Would Monday, 18th be also an option? I try to have finished everything by then!

@siri can we do Tuesday the 19th? Mondays aren’t great for me as I teach much of the day.

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Hi @Nica , sure, TUE 19th works fine for me - would 6 PM CET work for you? Or better 7 PM CET?

Hi @siri apologies, I realized I never responded to this. I could do 7 pm CET but if we could move it to Thursday, that would be even better – apologies, it’s been a very busy week and a half. Please let me know if that is feasible?


Hi @Nica, no worries at all! THU would be totally fine with me, could we do 6 CET pm instead? or I could even suggest FR 7 pm CET.


Thank you for understanding! Fr. 7pm CET would be great actually. I am home all day that day.

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great @Nica , so FR 7 pm CET it is!

Hi @siri I just learned that I have to fill in for something for a colleague who is not feeling well tomorrow afternoon. I am sorry to ask, but could we meet earlier tomorrow? Either 2 or 3 pm CET? Or even 1.30 CET? I think we would need about 45 min to an hour.

Hi @Nica, oh so sorry to hear that COVID is also hitting again around your workplace and colleagues. Unfortunately, I cannot do it earlier, I somehow planned around to have the meeting in the evening. I could suggest having our 45’ talk even on SAT (23rd) at 2/3 pm CET as an exception or then on MON (25th) at 7 pm CET. I also made some notes about reformulating questions Jos is asking and approaching experts/people as interviewees, about how to potentially merge codes and giving some Swiss cultural context :slight_smile:

Hi @siri thanks for understanding and of course it makes sense you planned on having it in the evening, that was the plan! I don’t want to impose on your weekend, but if you don’t mind doing it (as an exception) on Sat. at 3 pm CET that would be great as I planned on doing a bunch of work on these over the weekend, and it would be great to touch base with you before that.

Looking forward to hearing your notes, and we can also discuss the event in Berlin that is coming up. @ivan and I were thinking that if you were available, @jos might continue with the usual interviews, and you might be able to get a few more in-depth interview with experts at Techblink (I see from the website that there will be a number of representatives from relevant to our research industries there).

Hi @Nica, SAT at 3 pm CET is fine with me. Regarding the Techblink, I will discuss it with you tomorrow as I checked the program with my availability and maybe October 18th would be possible at some point but I need to check it with my work availability (unfortunately, these people there aren’t very flexible). However, let’s talk about it tomorrow!

Hi Sirin, here is the Zoom link for our meeting.

Thanks again for being flexible with the timing!

