Code master thread for Nica and Sirin

perfect, @Nica , I quickly grab a coffee and bi there ASAP

@siri and I met this morning and workshopped our codes from Bern. We agreed on creation of two standardized “meta-codes” that will go in conjunction with answers to the question about circular economy definition in the informants’ own words, and to the question of how they became interested in circular economy (most of the answers frame their path to that topic through personal / educational / professional background). We also reviewed some and made a plan to review more single-use codes, we are assuming that most of them are not necessary and can be merged into other codes or deleted. We are checking the creation date of codes to make sure we do not alter the codes that went into the visualizations in the first Treasure report, so that that dataset is not affected, since it is public.

We also discussed what we are seeing in the data that will help me refine the interview script for the next iteration.

@siri unfortunately not be able to join @jos on the Berlin event (Techblik) but she will be available for the coding of any German interview transcripts that may come from that event.

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Hi @Nica, I have a super embarrassing question: how can I rename codes? I tried it with the edit function in several ways but could not. I want to polish and minimize the length of some codes.
Many thanks for your help!

@siri hi! It’s not an embarrassing question, and I think the editing function is not working properly. I just tried myself, and it was not possible. I wonder if this is a part of the same glitch. I will post on the thread where they were dealing with the previous glitches. Thanks for letting me know! How is the new coding going otherwise?

@Nica, thanks a lot for asking Daniel about this issue. The function “merge” was last working, but the “edit” was not working; therefore, I assumed I forgot how to do it or did something wrong. Coding is going well. I still have too much to do, but I am getting there.

@siri you have a code in the corpus “Changing Durance and Consumption” – what does it mean? Did it mean duration or endurance? (Durance in English is an archaic term for “imprisonment” so it can’t be that, I imagine). I can’t figure it out from contexts because it’s all tagged to German transcripts…

Quick technical question for @ivan or maybe @owen:

What is a quick way to move all the GTF and KongressBW Stuttgart transcripts to the ethno-treasure space – is it just tagging all of them ethno-treasure? Is there a way to tag all of them at once?

@Nica, you are right; “durance” is not the right term here; maybe car owners or consumers could be imprisoned by their driving behaviour :slightly_smiling_face:
I meant, as you correctly stated, “endurance or even better endurance”. The code was in the context new electronic innovations with electric cars. The running time and consumption of a motor vehicle changes due to electronic technologies.

Yep bulk tagging is possible - Administrative Bulk Operations - sysadmin - Discourse Meta

But it would require @matthias or @daniel to do it - I don’t have the admin privileges.

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@matthias or @daniel – could one of you please move those transcripts to the ethno-treasure space via bulk tagging? Thanks so much!

Not sure if I understand the problem. With the new project structure there is no need to use tags. The topics are already available in the ethno-treasure project:
I think documentation is not yet updated. @matthias will take care of this soon.

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Hi @Nica, I almost adjusted all the codes we discussed in our call - except the “reuse and recycle” code. Regarding the “environmental concern” code, I found out that I used it as a double code for the number (and the concern nuances) and based on what people said. Would it be okay to delete the once linked to the concern ranking while leaving the others with that code?

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Yes, @siri that sounds like a great solution. Please do that.

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@Nica, okay, I will do that. There are two interviews left for coding, and it will be done by Tuesday evening. Sorry for the delay!

No worries, @siri I am also still coding my “share.” Would you be able to also code Interviews 26-32 before Friday meeting? (So, 7 more).

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Hi @Nica, I could code this last batch until Friday.

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Great, thank you!

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Of course!

@Nica, here are my three identified key themes and the respective quotes. I put everything in this thread as I am unsure whether the quotes and key themes are nuanced enough.
See you shortly!

Sustainability as a meaningful vision and an activity

Reflections and ways to apply the forms and values of sustainable actions on an individual and societal level: action- and present-orientated, focus on concrete examples and activities in everyday life of sustainable acting.

This includes the self-chosen career choice, which has something to do with sustainability in the narrower or broader sense but with which one strongly identifies and which one also transfers to other situations in life. It also includes one’s own level of knowledge or the acquisition of knowledge to (actively) acquire and implement information about sustainability through education and practice and to use it for oneself and one’s own purposes.

Sustainability in practice is anchored in the present but tends to look prescriptively into the future. The two areas, “private-public”, merge in sustainable visions, as sustainability becomes a lived everyday practice. The vision has an ideological perspective that includes various approaches and combines tasks and problems relating to the environment, resources and energy sources that need to be tackled today and in the future.


(…) also, regarding this social aspect, what else can you actually do yourself in terms of sustainability? How can you also inspire other people to do something in the area of sustainability[?]

So they’re already doing something. I still think that they have their [recycling systems]. I mean, we have recycling systems in our company, and they will have that, too.

(…) that I don’t fly too often, try to travel by train a lot, and also to inform myself a bit professionally about why it’s important.

I already do it through my work by supporting sustainable technologies and also showing how companies can become more environmentally neutral. You shouldn’t always say climate-neutral, but rather environmentally neutral.

Circularity as a continuous result in circular economies

Circularity in the c"context of the automotive industry, electronics, and the environment is considered economically viable when it functions and represents a system that is closed to the outside world. To “complete a cycle" or develop existing cycles, individual structures or functions in the entire system must change/expand. Circularity is, therefore, a continuous process outcome. Its parts, such as “reuse” and “recycling”, change constantly, depending on the input and strategies. This includes sustainable acting, human behaviour, and perspectives that constantly change being and acting sustainably. It is a theory-in-practice process where not only self-proclaimed definitions of individual procedures/processes are decisive, or a (moral) imperative can also influence epistemological insights that are technologically or anthropologically co-determined. The circle connects here as a descriptive action-based one with the prescriptive, future one. Sustainability acts as a drive to close the loops.


Yes, there is a whole spectrum of ways to reuse our products. Recycling is undoubtedly not the most sustainable, but it has shifted to reuse.

(…) thinking and acting holistically, starting with myself, from eating to consuming to working, to inspire as many people as possible. With my being, with my existence, I want to inspire other people to live the same way.

(…) this [circular economy] is the way to solve many problems in our world.

After all, the circular economy is more than just recycling.

[It is a] question of depth, of design. The process is, of course, very, very different.

Social change is only guaranteed through societal commitment

Awareness of social transformations in the areas of the environment, fossil resources and renewable energies has been heightened in large parts of society. The topicality and development of our planet, combined with impending climate change, is a real political concern that also affects the automotive industry and other industries. Important here is not only changes “on a small scale”, i.e., in individual everyday areas of life, but also at an economic and political level, global and local concerns are combined and sometimes strongly separated from one another. The individual power to act is sometimes seen as a potential for empowerment, sometimes as powerlessness. Responsibility and the duty to act lie with decision-makers in politics, business, and industry (as in the automotive industry) to set a benchmark. Policies and legal measures are proving to be essential instruments of control and accountability that need to be sharpened, implemented, and monitored.


When we start to think and operate in cycles, and no longer in a linear fashion, I have great hope that this will change things for the better.

Transformation is necessary, and there is a lot of potential for a better world. I’m working full-time to support others and make the change with me.

As I said, we have our own garden, where we always have our vegetables throughout the summer.


Reuse and Recycling is often used in German with the same word, “Wiederverwertung” or “Wiederverwendung”. Recycling is a borrowed word and is usually associated with a change in structure: a change in structure also means a change in the function of an object. Reuse instead implies that an object is used or utilized more often with the same use. The"structure" therefore, remains the same, as do the function and condition. Recycling is aimed more at the new reuse of the ingredients, while reuse is aimed at the repetition of use.

The term “recycling” also appears as a defined (legal) term in the German Waste Ordinance Act (

I still have to transfer my quotes from my document where I am filing them, but wanted to make a response in the thread for reference with my core themes:

  1. Reuse and recycling are not seen as identical, and not necessarily sequential. Additionally, among the sustainably-minded contingent, reuse has a much more positive connotation than recycling.

  2. Electronics in cars are often seen as obstacles to circularity and sustainability specifically because of the composite nature of the metal amalgams involved in electronics, and what recycling and closing the loop with them involves.

  3. There are variable opinions on individual responsibility when it comes to sustainability, but when individual responsibility is seen as high, it is generally in conjunction with understanding the individual as a consumer / agent of decisions around ethical consumption, fast consumption cycle, planned obsolescence, etc.

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