Common spaces: getting more precision on our "programme"

Hello @reef-facilitation,

Thanks so much for this amazing job! I find it very interesting to read, and to me at least, it brings the reassurance that our wishes converge to a very strong extent.

One small thing though: our commitment to openness and radical transparency should mean that everything is out in the open. If it would have been a survey about sexually transmittable diseases I would understand some hesitance about sharing everybody’s response :sweat_smile:, but here we were just doing the online equivalent of filling in post-it notes to get an overview on what’s important for each of us, so to me it is counterproductive not knowing who said what. Would it please be possible to make everybody’s contribution available?

One final small note: I’m taking the liberty to rename the file and move it to the 2024 proposals folder in the Team Reef folder, so that it becomes easier to retrieve, also in the future.

Hi @reeflings !

As we said in this document, our decision not to include each Reeflings name with their responses was purely because we hadn’t told people we would do so and time was of the essence to make the information available. However, as Lie points out above, transparency is an important element of our working methods, so this post is to let people know that we will be editing the document to include the names. It seems unlikely to inconceivable that anyone would require anonymity regarding their common space preferences, but I’ll give it couple of days for anyone to object before doing so…


I’m not sure why, because it’s not a proposal… it’s just a working document at this stage

It will be an input for a plenary discussion, so even if it is not a proposal, if it is in the proposals folder, newly incoming members will easily find this important document.


26 posts were split to a new topic: Common spaces helping circle - June 2024

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Common spaces helping circle - June 2024