Complications with managing the ASBL

Hello all, I have been working through the bureaucracy of opening a bank account. However, I have run into an upstream problem: my process for updating the composition of the board has not gone through. I have not received any notification of rejection either, though.

I have done quite some googling, and am still confused. Belgium seems to have a legacy workflow for doing this thing: things are entirely online, and fairly well documented, when it comes to opening a new ASBL, but changing the data of an old one seems quite baroque. I have written to the helpdesks of the Federal Justice Service, and to that of their online service for registering documents, called e-deposit. The text of my mail to the former should illustrate where I am now:


je suis membre d’un ASBL, chargé avec la notification aux autorité d’un changement dans le conseil, qui se base évidemment sur une décision de l’assemblée générale. Après avoir beaucoup googlé, je n’arrive pas à comprendre la façon correcte de le faire. De ce que je comprends:

  1. Le site web de la Banque-Carrefour d’Entreprise offre la possibilité d’ajouter des représentants.
  2. Pour le faire, il faut joindre une copie des publications au Moniteur belge.
  3. Pour publier une décision sur le Moniteur belge il faut… remplir beaucoup de formulaires, apparemment, et les envoyer au greffe de tribunal de l’entreprise. Cela semble bizarre, parce que la BCE pourrait facilement servir de one-stop shop pour l’usager, et le greffe prendre ses documents directement de la base des donnés de la BCE. Les sources que j’ai trouvé en ligne sont assez ancien (2016 la plus récente), et ne sont peut-être plus correct.
  4. Comment faire ce dernier? Les même sources parlent d’envoyer par poste, mais je vois que le Service Fédéral Justice a démarré un service eléctronique e-deposit. Peut-être on peut utiliser celui ça pour envoyer les formulaires?

Merci pour vĂ´tres renseignements, bien Ă  vous,

Bottom line: The Reef ASBL still shows the old board on the BCE website. We’ll need some patience to debug this. Anyone has some experience, advice is welcome.

Update: if this works by physical mail, the correct address for Brussels is In Forest.

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Alberto i can put u in contact with someone that updated board member recently
Do you already have the new board members ?
Haopy to see that the reef is going through



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Waiting 4 my friend reply before sharing her contact

I guess with your e-Id card reader if you enter on the e-greffe system of the asbl you can update those types of data because this e-greffe website is the general center of information already listing board members ?

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Hi Isabelle, good to see you! That sounds logical, but elsewhere it looks like e-greffe works only for new constitutions of companies or ASBLs, but not for modifications… which would be a typical Belgian solution. Source

6 posts were split to a new topic: How to change the statute and board composition of a ASBL