
Hi @Lee , @alberto , @els , @reef-finance

Following our coordination meeting with the spotlight on finance/legal, i have followed up with the notary to ask what they need from us regarding the compromis. As you might have seen in my previous message, they have prepared a draft and they are communicating with Fontain’s lawyer (if i understand correctly). The assistant of Erneux replied that we should have a call to discuss this document.

@Lee , @alberto , would you have time for this call this or next week? either i send her your availabilities or you do it directly through proton email. Let me know. Thanks

Chère Madame,

Avez-vous eu tous l’occasion de prendre connaissance du projet transmis ?

Si cela vous agrée, je vous propose de prévoir un rendez-vous téléphonique afin de le parcourir ensemble et de répondre à vos éventuelles observations.

Je vais également relancer mon confrère concernant le complément d’informations sollicité.

Je reste bien entendu à votre disposition,

Avec mes sentiments dévoués,

*Marie-France D.

Thanks Ugne. @Lee, let’s discuss tonight.

Ping @marcelh, there is draft of the compromis, linke above in Ugne’s post. Feel free to send us your questions and comments, but don’t feel obliged.