Consent funnel for recording video calls - WIP

Bellow, you can find some clarifications about the needs for content funnels in regards to video calls adapted from @amelia (thank you!).

  1. A consent record in qualitative research is either:
    a) a signed consent form (this can be physical or digital)
    b) a researcher recorded confirmation of verbal consent, with no name attached (but usually either a pseudonym or a number).

  2. For the purposes of calls:
    As long as you are absolutely sure that no one can access the call without going through the consent funnel, and you have a way of confirming that the number of participants in the call matches the number of responses you have to the form, then you are good.

  3. It is best not to keep identification information if you don’t have to. If the consent form is the only piece of information that would attach someone’s name to the study, you don’t collect names with consent forms.

  4. If you want to be extra safe, get verbal consent at the start of the call, and write down that you received that. Write the number of participants and note that they all gave consent.

This leads us to treat consent as follows for now:

A) For research on
Participants go through the platform consent funnel during their signup process. This clears them to make posts and be included in the research with their username as the only information we use (

B) For the summit pre-events, community calls, listening sessions etc.

Different registration funnels are being used which collect participant information - most importantly emails:

Forms such as: or
Funnels such as: Edgeryders | Covid19 - Resilient Livelihoods

The purpose of the funnels is to onboard participants on ahead and after the events.
Such events are sometimes recorded on the spot (with participant verbal permission) but the recording is not used for ethnographic analysis, only to support note-taking by 1 participant.

Therefore, we assess that registration funnels for online events which generate data that is not being coded and assigned to a person do not need additional consent.

C) For video calls, we will just set up registration funnels that make sure that everyone who is in the call has seen and agreed to the consent info sheet text about recording the call for research purposes. We do it this way because it requires more text for recording and this should not be slammed into the general registration as the text to consent becomes too long and it is also irrelevant for most participants. It is however always relevant to those who want to join the call. Therefore, the videos call registration consent funnel in accordance with the needs described above:

1. Zoom

  • Add title

  • Add cover foto

  • Add edgeryders logo

  • Custom question:

The call will be recorded for research purposes. Please read details about that process in this info sheet: … Confirm that you have read it and consent to the recording of the call to register

  • Go to “registration”, for approval we have to decide on what level of security we need. I would suggest the manual approval at this point:

    • Automatically Approve. Registrants will automatically receive information on how to join the meeting.
    • Manually Approve. The organizer must approve registrants before they receive information on how to join the meeting
  • “Questions”. The form always asks for first name and email address, we could add more if we wanted (email is needed for the registration)*

  • Add Custom question:
    " The call will be recorded for research purposes. Please read details about that process in this info sheet: Listening Session: Participant Information Sheet template and confirm that you have read it and consent to the recording of the call below to register:

    • tick “single answer” and give these two answer options:
  1. Yes, I confirm that I understand the consent information. By joining the call I consent to the recording of the call for research purposes.
  2. No, I do not consent to the recording and can therefore not attend the call.
  • Email settings: Remember to change the email to the one of the hosts, so you receive the signup notifications.

  • Example:

Hi there,
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 25, 2020 02:00 PM Brussels
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

NB: If we add the webinar add-on (40 euro per month, we could customise the registration a bit more and invite “view only” guests who can not speak or share images, which would mean that we could share links for such a thing more publiclly)


Zmurl is a new tool which is currently free, but will be a paid service in future (e.g. they will not finance it via selling information) Privacy Policy · Luma. It allows for a bit of a nicer and more customised sign-up funnel for zoom:

  1. go to
  2. Sign in with the edgeryders zoom account (can be revoked at any time)
  3. “Create an event”
    • add cover foto
    • add titel
    • “create new Zoom even for me”
    • add time and duration
    • in “Security” tick “Requiere Registration” and “Require Registration Approval” (the latter is maybe not necessary, let’s test and discuss)
  • Add event description:

  • go to “create event” > Event created automatically in zoom as well - YAY!

  • go to “guest”

    • tick “Notify me as Guests Register”
  • go to “Questions”:

    • “add question”
    • add question text: “The call will be recorded for research purposes. Please read details about that process in the description below and confirm that you have read it and consent to the recording of the call below to register:”
  • Choose “drop-down” for the answer and add: “Yes, I confirm that I understand. By joining the call I consent to the recording of the call for research purposes.”

  • click “update questions”


3. now.edgeryders or whatever we want to develop:

Our own tool should always show the info sheet when signing up to the call with you edgeryders account. This would be the best version! Any ideas on the timelines here?

After the tests are discussed on Monday will make the final templates that can be used in zoom or zmurl directly so one would not need to go through all those steps all the time.

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@MariaEuler I took the liberty to edit, format and clarify some language. Hope it’s OK! And thanks for the great work <3

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Thank you for the clarification

Update to the pint 6 of the Participants information sheet regarding documentation:

6. How is the event documented? ( ATTENTION: Changes to this section )

This call is being recorded. The recording will be used for transcription, inform follow-up summary articles and can be published by Edgeryders in parts or its entirety.
If you are not comfortable with the recording of the conversation being published afterwards to further the discussion, you will have to abstain from this call.
If you do not want your name being mentioned in the summaries/recordings, please, use a synonym to join (for example your edgeryders user name) and inform us ahead of the call via the contact listed below.

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