Contract with the architects

For the tax the batisse, i wonder if it’s not worthwhile to try to negotiate it (and put our negotiator or sb on it?). The Spiegel tried but didn’t succeed, but we are x years later. The commune loved our project and i had the impression they were willing to fight for us. It was already mentioned at the commune that the price factor was not an easy one, and if i understood well, the tax the batisse is put into life for big promotors , not for cohousings with a social factor…
(but that doesn’t take away you can call and get info).


@els there is a folder in Team Finance called “estimations and scenarios”. Ideally all estimations (including the price calculator) should be saved there.

For the taxe sure la batisse I wouldn’t count on negotiating, because it’s a tax.

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i think it would be wise to have this scanned 30 min by a lawyer with experience in this field, just in case he/she sees some red flags. this can cost 80 euros. let me know if you need help to find a lawyer

Hello Manuel, we did already consult a lawyer in the past. There are advantages of sticking to the same lawyer, i.e. she already knows the project and we were happy with her work on the SoSim’s statutes.

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I’m trying to access the document on Nextcloud, but I’m getting this screen:

And it seems I just can’t access Nextcloud at all. Is that just me or are other people having the same issue?

Hi @anon36120994 , nextcloud is down. Alberto made a ticket, but will probably only be looked at on Monday at the earliest.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Taxe sur la batisse

next week i’ll be calling the architects to check in and see what the next steps are and when we should - with team building - sit together. In case they would ask me sth about ‘where we are at with the contract’, i’d like to have a little status…

  • has it been read by a lawyer and if so, where there any remarks /changes proposed?
  • has the ‘red sentence’ been adapted in the contract?
  • what do you/we see as a feasable date to sign it?
  • what is the proposal towards their payment conditions (mainly for this year and for next year up until the construction of the building starts).

I don’t think we will go in detail on the phone, but just to know what i can say and what not…

Hello Els,
here below my responses, @reef-finance please feel free to accomplish where necessary:

  • has it been read by a lawyer and if so, where there any remarks /changes proposed? I think this is not the case, and it is not foreseen
  • has the ‘red sentence’ been adapted in the contract? As it’s their contract I think they should change it, we’ll just need to let them know that we’ll be owners of the property as of 15 December 2024.
  • what do you/we see as a feasable date to sign it? We are in the process of setting up our SoSim which we want to use for this purpose. This should be finished during October.
  • what is the proposal towards their payment conditions (mainly for this year and for next year up until the construction of the building starts). For this year we have planned in the following payables: 5% à titre d’acompte, 5% à la remise de l’esquisse. To note that the contract mentions that we would offset past payments for feasability studies with the first payment (5% à titre d’acompte), could they already let us know how much that would be and perhaps we can then still follow the old payment route via the ASBL. For us to discuss further internally, however the advantage is that we can do this relatively quick and buy us some time.

hi @reef-finance

  • allready called the architects today as we urgently needed them to deliver info for the soil samples (that are programmed for 17/09).
  • they didn’t bring up the contract and didn’t mention it myself neither, so no need to further elaborate on what richard replied above.
  • we will probably be meeting them in 3 weeks time, so it would be handy if we would have more clarity on the open things concerning the contract
    @ugne : concerning richards question , or maybe better @Sophie_B : do we have the invoices we received from the architects so far stored somewhere ? (high level i think we did 7 FS at a rate of 700 euro/FS without VAT)

=> can we not easily retrieve that?

Thanks - that’s actually good enough for now, we can discuss details with them when we sign the contract. Probably, they will want to know the level of finishing we require, as that’ll play a role in the pricing as well.

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hi @reef-finance @reef-building
In the mail with the ‘acompte’ invoice and the overview of future invoices, the architects come back to the contract
‘Lors de notre dernière entrevue, nous avions parcouru toutes vos questions à propos du contrat. Avez-vous encore des questions ? Est-ce ok pour vous que l’on signe le contrat ?’

What should we answer?
We are in the process of creating the Sosim, which we think will be finalised in October. Is it ok to wait till October to sign it?
And we don’t mention anything on ‘paying less’ because the group is not complete?


Hello @els, on this.

This would be ideal. I do not recommend using the ASBL to sign the contract, because it would make transparency difficult. The situation with the SoSim is: we had a meeting with the lawyer where we looked at incorporating the locked account solution into the statute. She promised an updated version of the statute by today (as I write this it is not yet in the inbox). So yes, in theory incorporation is now very close, we need “only” to choose a board and, to receive and read carefully the new version of the statute. That enables incorporation.

The argument is not very strong, as making a plan costs the same regardless of the size of the group. We could maybe ask to pospone part of the payment to 2025. I have no opinion on this.


If there are no volunteers I’d be happy to bring it up and see whether we can find each other somewhere in the middle.


@reef-building @reef-finance
the architects have sent us an updated version of the contract (based on our remarks made a while ago). They are mentionned in red.

If sb has any remarks , can he/she let it be known by Thursday evening?
I’ll give the remarks (if there are any) on Friday, so we can have an updated and clean version on Monday (meeting with architects) where - hopefully- most of the @reef-board can sign.

ps, i don’t think this needs to be validated with all full members, if you would think otherwise please tag reef-full


I saved a scanned copy of the signed contract in two folders:

  1. Team Finance > Contract with the architects
  2. Team Building > Architects > Contract

It would be helpful to also have a pdf version of the copy that we signed, so that we can search the document. @els and @alberto can you confirm that any of you saved the ultimate version, the one with Alberto’s request on whatever, on Nextcloud?

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i have not received the contract with the modification Alberto asked for. Have you @alberto ?
Or was nothing changed in the end?

I can ask when we see them on Tuesday

So, François sent me a modified copy, I OKed it and am pretty sure that is the version we signed. I guess someone at Team Building has a hard copy of the signed contract, no? Maybe bring about next time, I have a drawer for Reef ASBL and Coral Reef at our legal address :slight_smile:

Lee has the hard copy of the signed contract and scanned it (see above message).
did you save the modified (non signed) copy somewhere?

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Yes, in the mail. I will upload it.

Update: uploaded now.