Contract with the architects

@els there is a folder in Team Finance called “estimations and scenarios”. Ideally all estimations (including the price calculator) should be saved there.

For the taxe sure la batisse I wouldn’t count on negotiating, because it’s a tax.

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i think it would be wise to have this scanned 30 min by a lawyer with experience in this field, just in case he/she sees some red flags. this can cost 80 euros. let me know if you need help to find a lawyer

Hello Manuel, we did already consult a lawyer in the past. There are advantages of sticking to the same lawyer, i.e. she already knows the project and we were happy with her work on the SoSim’s statutes.

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I’m trying to access the document on Nextcloud, but I’m getting this screen:

And it seems I just can’t access Nextcloud at all. Is that just me or are other people having the same issue?

Hi @thomasameel , nextcloud is down. Alberto made a ticket, but will probably only be looked at on Monday at the earliest.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Taxe sur la batisse