Coordination Group 2024

Hi @reef-coordination
When you have a moment, can you kindly review the plenary agenda point here Like that i can post it.
@Lee , i forgot to ask you something, but perhaps Manuel could help me. I don’t know how you do the hyper link on the content page to go directly to the right plenary (not able to do that)! :slight_smile:



Hi Ugne,

Thanks for that! I added the links to the documents for the selection process and the full members proposal.

Given that the agenda is relatively empty I have also added an item on Working Methods. Looking at the list and how we are doing, I have picked up on transparency again. Would that work for you?

As for your question on the hyperlink, I’m not fully sure I understand your question, but I think what you are looking for is right-clicking on the table of contents > update field > update the entire table.

Are you using Nextcloud on your personal laptop, or are you using it online?

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yes, totally.

on my work computer, don’t have a personal one. Anyway, will try what you suggested and ask Manuel as well. Thank you!

One point that we forgot to add to the agenda is the debriefing from the meeting with the neighbour and with the commune, which will take place on Wednesday.


Hello @reef-coordination,

We had a meeting planned for tomorrow, which we’ll need to cancel because of the site visit.

Honestly there is so much to do and there are so many meetings, that I’d be inclined to postpone the meeting for a bit and to just focus on the current priorities. If coordination between different teams is needed in the meanwhile, we can always set up a quick bilateral meeting.

For now I see the following tasks that are urgent from now until the next two weeks:

  • Getting clarity about the legal set-up for a possible purchase. Here the next step is getting more information from the notary. Once that comes in I guess we’ll set up a quick meeting with a couple of people from Team Finance.

  • New recruitment process: work-in-progress. Proposal will be presented at the plenary of 26/05.

  • Getting more clarity on the common spaces: work-in-progress. A post will follow shortly.

If the purchase would go through, once we find a bit more stability and breathing space, the next big tasks will be the actual recruitment and onboarding of new Reeflings, seeing whether we can have more inclusive units, hammering out the next version of “le programme” (individual units and common spaces) and getting a more detailed view on how the mortgages would work (which rate, payments when etc).


Hi @reef-coordination !

Our next meeting is planned for 13 June, but do I remember correctly from Thursday that we want to have another one before then? If that’s the case, it would be good to make a date sooner rather than later, as I have the impression that none of our schedules are not getting any more spacious :wink: Happy to set up a poll if needed…

I don’t think it’s realistic to organise another meeting before the 13th. At the meeting on Wednesday I proposed that I organise one-on-ones with all Team Coordinators to discuss the key action points for the next three months. I’ll post about that tonight or tomorrow.

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Exactly! Sorry, didn’t have time to work on the minutes of full members meeting but indeed, you said that you will do one on one with each team lead.

Hello @reef-coordination,

I would like to exchange with all of you on the key priorities for every Team for the next three months. This does not require a meeting where everybody is present and can hopefully be a good substitute for a Coordination Group meeting in the next week.

I have listed my own ideas in the agenda document, but please feel free of course to add your own so that we can use this list as to structure our talk.

Could you please message me on Signal to see whether we can find a 30 minute time slot for a quick discussion?

Also: @ugne, I will be on a break in the week of the 13th. Would you have space to take on the organisation of the Coordination Group, or would you prefer to reschedule it?


Will do!

I think this might be the place to raise a couple of points:

Lie - is the plenary agenda for July onwards included in your agenda-setting that we discussed in Team R&O the other day?

And in light of how complicated it has been recently, do you need any help after Sunday to find roles and teams for new Associate Members?


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Thanks Chris. Both are on my radar and work-in-progress.

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Yes, would definitely prefer to reschedule.


I’m afraid I can’t make the Coordination Group meeting on the 13th. Although, I’m not sure if we were still aiming for that, as I see above that @Lee is on break that week and @ugne said something about rescheduling.

If you’re both actually available for it, I guess it could go ahead. Maybe with another couple of Full Members representing inclusion and facilitation?

If you’re not actually available the 13th, let me know here and I’ll set up a poll to reschedule…


Hi @reef-coordination
I suggest we reschedule, but i also understand the timing is an issue, as we have the plenary on Monday, 17th June. At the same time, i feel the agenda for that plenary is looking pretty good, so the question is when we could meet and what would be the purpose?

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@ugne @Lee
maybe an extra point to add to the agenda of the next plenary…
The architects will be sending us a proposal of a contract next week. We probably should discuss this so TB can get back to them with remarks and questions. Unless you see this discussion possible purely via ER…

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For the Coordination Group meeting I would like to schedule a meeting in the week of the 24th. Any date is good, as long as there can be a well informed member from Teams Finance, Building, Inclusion and Recruitment & Onboarding. @ChrisM could you take care of a poll?

Until then I have listed a couple of points for the attention of the different teams, in the Coordination Group agenda document. If one way or another we can find a time slot for a one-on-one with @ugne and @els, that would be amazing, otherwise so be it.

As for the contract with the architects: I would leave this to Team Building and Team Finance, and then - in function of how urgent it is - bring it to the attention of Team Reef for consent.


Here’s the poll for the next Coordination Group meeting on the week of the 24th:

  • Tuesday 25 June (evening)
  • Wednesday 26 June (evening)
  • Thursday 27 June (evening)
  • Sorry, can’t make any of those dates
0 voters



If there would be a Full Members meeting on the 26th, @ugne can you please find someone for the 25th?

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The Full Members meeting is indeed taking place on the 26th now, so this Coordination Group meeting will be on the 25th…

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