Coordination Group 2024

Hi @reef-coordination !

Most of the minutes and action points from tonight’s Coordination Group meeting are available now (Login – Nextcloud).

@RichardB - could you add your bullet points for Team Finance to the reports section.
@Sophie_B - could you add the bullet points for Team Inclusion (that you sent Ugne) to the same section.
@Lee - not sure if you want to add anything to the Coordinator part?

Also @Lee - there’s one action point that involves asking a question to the coach. @Sarah is the person to clarify that with, if needed.

@ugne - there’s a few possible agenda points for the plenary on 1 July, but we may need to discuss which ones to include and if there are any other priorities. Let’s have a chat before the end of the week so we can get a plenary post up and running…



Will do next week!

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Hi @reef-coordination !

I think it might be good to make a plan regarding how to schedule the agenda points for the plenary meetings and Full Members dinners in the next 4-5 weeks, particularly in terms of ‘ordering’.

Here’s what I see with regard to the events in question, and what has tentatively been attributed to them in various other threads and meetings (there is a list of agenda items that ‘need a home’ at the end):

15 Jul - Full Members meeting

  • Review associate and full membership applications
  • Revisit ‘Mark-up for people joining later’ proposal
  • Commitment and sharing the workload

23 July - plenary meeting

  • The building budget and the safety margin (Lee)
  • Accessibility of the buildings (Team Inclusion)
  • The number of inclusive units (Team Inclusion)
  • Mark-up for people joining later (Team Finance)
  • Budget Q3-4 (Team Finance)
  • Contract with the architects (Team Building)

TBD - Final common spaces workshop

  • Form proposal for what to tell the architects re common spaces mid-August

14 August - plenary meeting

  • Consent to proposal for what to tell the architects re common spacess mid-August

Items to be slotted in somewhere:

  • Common languages discussion
  • Number of elevators
  • What to tell architects about apartment ratio (can we ask for more 2s then 1s then 3s?)
  • Paying for extra common space
  • SoSim board selection

Finally, it’s worth noting that at the last plenary meeting, it was pointed out that we might need to revert back to a two-weekly frequency for them. As there’s another Full Members dinner and a plenary at the end of August, I think we’re probably covered for the summer, but might be worth thinking about for September onwards…



Could this maybe become a joint @reef-building and inclusion task?

And wouldn’t this be what the discussion would be mainly about?

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It seems to me this topic is strongly linked to ‘do we want to spend more money on the common spaces and if so, how much and on what do we want to spend it: elevators and/or sth else’. For me that’s a reef-finance topic. I don’t see how reef-building can help with that.
With the common helping circle ‘common spaces’ reef-facilitation/reef-building we’ve established several possibilities:

  • foresee elevators in all building, at a price of 70000 euro/elevator and some loss of space for units
  • only foresee the shafts for now, this wouldn’t be a great cost (only the loss of the m2 of units) and foresee the elevators at a later point in time
  • foresee chair-or wheelchair elevators in the staircases of asterix/idefix, and thus maybe having to foresee a bit larger staircases as normal, which would probably cost a little bit (little loss of m2 of units). The minimum cost we would need to do now, is foresee some larger staircases (maybe), and then later we can choose when to finance /install the chair- or wheelchair elevators
  • keep it as foreseen on the plans right now: one elevator in Obelix, nothing else in the other buildings

@Sophie_B : do you have any idea what the demand is of e.g Oaktree towards the accessibility? Is it elevators, or can it be staircase elevators?

If we don’t have the answer on the ‘do we have extra budget for the common spaces’ for the architects, i am afraid it’s going to be either

  • ‘try to make the best out of the commons spaces currently foreseen’
  • or postpone the delivery of ‘Le program common spaces’ to the architects by the 15/08, and thus further postpone the whole planning

As it’s holiday’s ideally this topic should be addressed in the plenary of the 23rd of July or in the full members meeting of coming Monday, so people on holiday now, can have there say still when they come back

(maybe in one of the next meetings, we can get a feeling of where the group would like to go with the above mentionned options, taking into account the current situation we’re in. And then see where we could get the money from, if needed)

Thanks a lot for that @ChrisM.

For the planning of all the topics that we need to discuss I would like to organise a Coordination Group meeting shortly, so that we can get an overview and a planning from now until the end of September. I’ll post about that soon.

For the frequency of the plenary meetings I will shortly make a post with a proposal.

Many of the topics you list are dependent on the budget. Here too I will make a post with a proposal on how to go about this, which will include an approach to the questions about the elevators and the common spaces.

For the accessibility / elevators thingy I worry that we would spend a lot of time overthinking it while essentially all the arguments are already on the table. @Sophie_B would it work for you if I’d make a first draft and then pass it on to Team Inclusion?

Sharing some thoughts, but can be discussed again in the meeting.

I would say this is a priority, as it would be needed for feedback to the architects end of august. I think we can probably do without up to then, and just work on possible scenarios “if we have extra money we would do this, then that…”

This can be in september I would say, as incorporation won’t be before then…

Absolutely, thanks @Lee!