Coordination Group review

Hi everyone !

At the last Full Members meeting there was a need expressed for more clarity around the way that the Coordination Group functions, which was further taken up at the last Coordination Group meeting (minutes here:

This thread is a continuation of those two discussions, so that a proposal can be formulated and agreed upon at the next Coordination Group meeting. As the remit of the group will remain the same, namely being the central point where teams exchange information, make requests of one another and feed back general info to their members, this is considered a level 2 decision concerning its working methods. Therefore, the eventual proposal will not need to be consented to at a plenary.

Points agreed to so far :

  • Fixed dates on the calendar for the year
  • Plenary agenda discussions to be moved online
  • For the Coordination Group meetings :
    • Team’s coordinator attends by default unless this person is not available, in which case another member of the team is asked to attend.
    • In general, it would be expected that the Reef Coordinator is present, as well as the coordinators of Teams Finance, Building, Governance and Community (which includes Recruitment & Onboarding). Someone from Team Support (IT, logistics, Facilitation and Communication) only attends if there is a particular need to do so.
    • Two extra people from the wider Reeflings group are invited to attend as observers (selection process where everyone is invited 2-3 weeks before the meeting via a poll posted online, on a “first come first served” basis)
    • Max number during the meeting: 6-7 participants
