Coordination Group

All good for me :slight_smile:


Noted as well! there is Finance meeting on that evening, but perhaps i will move it to another day

Fine for me!

Happy to do that of course, but my reasoning was to just leave this to the Teams?

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Hello @reef-coordination,

For those who haven’t done so yet, if you could find a minute to add your key points to the agenda (things you would like to discuss or debrief), that would be wonderful. Otherwise we’ll do it on the spot.

See you tomorrow!


Hi there, I’m sorry but I’m sick, I won’t be able to join tonight. I’ll have a look and see if there are things to add to the agenda, but otherwise, @reef-governance could you fill in for me?


Hi there,

Thanks again for the meeting.

Here’s the list of action points that I noted down in the minutes document:

  • Chris: ask Team Logistics to take responsibility for the drinks at the presentation, in particular making sure that we collect at least the same amount as what we spent.

  • Chris (when there is time): start the Teams reviews

  • Lie: contact people who signed up for a task or a team

  • Chris (when there is time): start the process to buy a beamer

  • Chris, Lie and somebody from Team Building: prepare the point on scouting for the next plenary


Hello @reef-coordination,

Shall we organise another meeting ahead of the plenary meeting of 28 November?

If yes, here’s a poll:

  • Monday 13 November
  • Tuesday 14 November
  • Thursday 16 November
  • I can’t make either of these dates

0 voters


Thursday 16/11 I may be able to join but I will only know on the day…

@reef-coordination so the 16th it is. Shall we say 8 pm?


Good for me!

yes, noted!

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Hi @reef-coordination,

The agenda document is ready for you to fill it with your points. See you on Thursday at 8!


Hello @reef-coordination,

If possible I would like to organise an extensive meeting to start the new year.

Things I’d like to cover:

  • Concise Team reports

  • Requests to Teams

  • 2024 budget

  • Quick circle review (what is going well, what is going less well)

Grateful if you can collect input from your respective team if possible. Adding other points is of course always possible.

If you can consent to that, I’d like to take care of the facilitation of the meeting.

Below you can find a poll, let’s say for a meeting from 19:00 until 21:00. Can you please fill in your availabilities?

  • 2 January
  • 3 January
  • 4 January
  • 8 January
  • 9 January
  • I can’t make any of these dates
0 voters

I’v’e only voted the 9th because I might be away the first week of January. But I won’t know until nearer the time…

Hello all,

Decision goes for Wednesday, 10 January. Book your agendas


@ugne I’m a bit lost on where we are with the budget. Would you be ok to start a new thread and give us our marching orders?

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Yes, i need to follow up with everyone individually to get this done, it seems.
But i will re-post it as well. Thanks for heads up.

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