#Countonme 11.09


Social media today is broken. From privacy issues to ad-tech abusing our data, it’s obvious we need to re-think the social media concept. Social media needs to become more human-centric, not profit-centric.
Join the discussion: Social Media is broken, let's do better! - #57 by johncoate - Tell Us About You - Edgeryders


Are you an ambassador of a group or a member of an activist group? Which platforms do you use for communications and organization, besides Facebook? Share it with us: Alternative Platforms for Social Activism - #4 by hugi - Campfire - Edgeryders


If you’re a member of a social activist group or an ambassador of one, what platforms are you using for team communication besides the ‘benevolent giant’ Facebook?

Share your platforms here: Alternative Platforms for Social Activism - #4 by hugi - Campfire - Edgeryders

@nadia @inge @noemi @matthias @alberto @natalia_skoczylas @johncoate @ilaria @MariaEuler