#countonme: 14.10



The current economic system is stuck in 1850. It requires a change. Economists won’t do it. But some sci-fi writers will! Join them and others at a festival where we’ll create a new economic system: The Science Fiction Economics Lab: Brussels, November 11th - Scifi Economics - Edgeryders


Tech world today is dominated by US/Chinese companies. EU has the potential to combat that domination, but it’s own over-regulation (on an EU-wide and national level) is crippling that. Or is it? What do you think: How EU and national policies are stifling the ability of European companies to successfully compete with Chinese and US tech companies, and the values they espouse. - Internet of Humans - Edgeryders


Imagine a festival that has no passive by-standers.
Imagine a festival that has no tickets to buy.
Imagine a festival that adjusts itself to ensure YOU get the most out of it.

That festival is: Edgeryders Festival.

With topics from upgrading the current state of the web to how to make co-living more green, this festival is a MUST attend. Register for your ticket here: Edgeryders Festival | November 19-29th 2019

@inge @nadia @johncoate @alberto @ilaria @hugi @MariaEuler