#CountOnMe posts: 05.08

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Twitter: [EARTH OS] There is no planet B. We must take action against climate change. That's why Edgeryders decided to partner with Climate-KIC, EU's largest public-private partnership, tasked with addressing climate change through innovation. Learn more: Say hello to EarthOS: Why Edgeryders is partnering with Europe's largest Public-Private partnership for Climate Action - EarthOS - Edgeryders

#climatechange #extinction #ActOnClimate

[JOIN THE REEF] Belgium hit 40°C this summer, so this summer Edgeryders commits to combat Earth's (and humanity's) deterioration by re-thinking the concept of community space. Enter: The Reef. To make this concept grow, we need your help. Keep reading: The future of urban living is green. Looking for skilled partnership builder for The Reef in Brussels - The Reef - Edgeryders

coliving coworking


Community spaces should evolve beyond its temporary nature. Could "The Reef" be the answer? What is "The Reef"? The Reef is a community, home, workplace, model. It is also the seed for a new market of social, deep-green living lifestyle.
The Reef makes such a lifestyle both realistic and aspirational. The Reef is infrastructure for a lifestyle adapted to the 21st century. The future of urban living is green. Looking for skilled partnership builder for The Reef in Brussels - The Reef - Edgeryders

Do correct the text above if I made a mistake :slight_smile:

@inge @noemi @nadia @alberto @natalia_skoczylas @MariaEuler @johncoate @hugi


Thanks, maybe i would scrap #digitalnomad :slight_smile: just because it speaks of home hopping rather than embeddedness in a place, which is what some of us aspire to.


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Yeah makes sense. It was just a # that the service I use suggested