Deliverables and Milestones for POPREBEL and NGI Forward

Yes. So, in the GA amendment it wasn’t wise to take out all the languages as this would affect quite a lot the overall budget. Rather, we explain in the paragraph above (response to John), that we do have multilingual community managers, they are fewer than planned because the conversation is happening in one single forum rather than being broken into multiple language fora. However, I think we need to be careful and actually prove that


How can you prove someone is using a translator? I guess you would have to ask…

yes true. how does it work with automatic translation? we don’t have that feature on the platform right?

no we use a machine translation service outside the site called deepl.

This deliverable has been rejected by the Commission.
Rejection_Letter.pdf (6.1 KB)
@alberto should we prepare an e-mail for the partners?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Resubmitting deliverable D2.3: information and guidance

@nadia important info regarding this deliverable (that was supposed to be due in M20): because the Summit was also delayed, in the GA amendment NESTA will ask to report this deliverable towards the end of the project, next year. The final decision is on the EC, will confirm this to you, but most probably the demand will be approved.

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ok thanks - ping @kajafarszky this should probably be in a calendar somewhere…

@marina did you find out how the work will proceed with this and in which form our contribution is needed?

no, since they are postponing it there is no info about the form yet. We can now decide if we want to make our contribution already this year (if we have everything more or less), or we can use the remaining time and add something that wasn’t initally planned.

Uploaded NGI D2.4 to the shared drive @marina

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@amelia @alberto when you discuss this internally, please let me know what date for the submission of this deliverable you envisage. Keep in mind it needs to be submitted 2 weeks before the deadline. It could be 31st of November for example, sending out to Nesta on the 15th.

@hugi you are responsible for this deliverable I believe. Let me know if it can be ready by mid-October.

@nadia @ivan this is the deliverable related to the final event. We need to ask for extension of the deadline since it’s happening only end of November. The project is ending on 31st December, meaning the report will need to be submitted to Nesta for review by mid-December.

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Yes. @amelia let’s you and I sit down and discuss how to go from Leonie’s draft to what we want to achieve. The October deadline is clearly not realistic, we could maybe aim to deliver it mid-November for internal review, and end November for formal delivery and entry into the Commission’s portal.

Yes, I am working on it. I have set aside most of next week. Is there a hard date for the deadline?

Yes, it needs to be submitted to Nesta 2 weeks before the deadline for revision, meaning by 15th of October. There is also a template to be used, you have access to the shared NGI Drive from Nesta, try this link.

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Great, this works for me. Yes, let’s talk!

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I dont see any issues delivering the report on time tbh. Its not like we need to ssna code anything - rather just give a summary and stats about how many people were there form which stakeholder groups and main conclusions. No?

Yes, but the current deadline is October. And the event is only happening end of November.

aha yes ok, how to ask for extension? do you need anything else from me?