Deliverables and Milestones for POPREBEL and NGI Forward

In order to facilitate planning and projects implementation, I am providing the overview of things promised and deadlines, based on the Grant Agreements, for both ongoing projects, to have everything in one place.



2. NGI Forward

3. Process for modifications


1.1. Deliverables

  • D8.3. Ethics and Impact plan. M2 (February 2019). Delivered.

    First draft of ethics and impact plan specific to WP2 and Edgeryders methodology in place and accessible as agile wiki.

  • D2.1. Code for multimedia coding committed to GitHub and documented. M6 (June 2019). Delivered.

    Code for multimedia coding committed to GitHub and documented. Deployal and documentation of the technical adaptations and extensions to functionality of platform (on Discourse) to allow for ethnographic coding of multimedia specific to POPREBEL.

  • D2.2. Rules of engagement / social contract document. M6 (June 2019). Delivered.

    A written document (commentable by the community) detailing the rights and responsibilities of participant-informants, and the rules of interaction and netiquette presiding on their involvement.

  • D2.3. Data management plan. M6 (June 2019). Delivered.

    A document detailing the governance of the data produced during POPREBEL, during and after the project.

  • D2.4. Ontology, first version. M13 (January 2020). Delivered.

    A regularly updated wiki containing the list of multi-lingual ethnographic codes applied to POPREBEL’s conversation.

  • D2.5. Interactive dashboard, first version. M13 (January 2020). Delivered.

    A software application to generate and refine on the fly visualizations of semantic social networks.

  • D2.6. Ontology, second version. M46 (October 2022, Second Amendment)

    A regularly updated wiki containing the list of multi-lingual ethnographic codes applied to POPREBEL’s conversation.

  • D2.7. Report: an ethnography of European populism. M46 (October 2022, Second Amendment)

    A report on populism in Europe from the voices of a cross-section of citizens, researchers and other relevant stakeholders.

  • D2.8. Interactive dashboard, second version. M46 (October 2022, Second Amendment)

    A software application to generate and refine on the fly visualizations of semantic social networks.

1.2. Milestones

  • MS1. POPREBEL Platform launch. M3 (March 2019). Reached.

    Public access to POPREBEL forums on the platform.

  • MS2. POPREBEL platform training. M3 (March 2019). Reached.

    Case/ language specific community managers trained and active; a summary post of learnings and context specific considerations shared on the platform by each trained community manager.

  • MS6. Community journalism programme finished. M12 (December 2019). Reached.

    40 high quality commissioned posts online.

  • MS7. On-boarding workshops delivered. M24 (December 2020). Reached.

    12 onboarding workshops delivered.

  • MS8. Ethnographic coding completed. M45 (September 2022, Second Amendment)

    Coding finished.

1.3. Main promises

  • T2.1.

    • Create and maintain five online fora in: Polish, Czech, Serbian, German and English. Goal: 2-400 hundred unique participants, 2-5,000 forum posts.
  • T2.2.

    • Establish and maintain social media presence across the project’s four languages.

    • 12 offline events/workshops in the Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia and the rest of Europe

  • T2.3.

    • Maintain a consistent multi-language and multimedia coding ontology across the project. Goal: each code in each language has exactly one equivalent in each of the other languages.
  • T2.4.

    • SSNA: Make sure they can be navigated both at the level of a single country and at the level of the whole multi-language conversation.
  • T2.5.

    • technical support
  • T7.5.

    • EDGE role in the final impact conference. A final impact conference, targeting not only academics, but also – and especially – activists, politicians, journalists. Comparing notes, learning from each other, with POPREBEL functioning as a way to find and systematize the existing experiences. This is meant to boost the immune system of Europe’s democracy by giving extra tools to the people in its frontline.

2. NGI Forward

2.1. Deliverables

  • D2.1. Social Contract / Rules of engagement released. M6 (June 2019). Delivered.

    Written set of community rules of engagements for participating in the Edgeryders platform.

  • D2.2. Coding Ontology I. M13 (January 2020). Delivered.

    First release of coding of conversations on the Edgeryders platform.

  • D2.3. Interactive Graphryder Dashboard I. M13 (January 2020). Delivered.

    First release of the interactive Graphryders dashboard, which allows for the analysis of interactions on the platform.

  • D2.4. Coding Ontology II. M32 (August 2021). Delivered.

    Second and final release of coding of conversations on the Edgeryders platform.

  • D2.5. Report: The Collective Intelligence NGI. M34 (October 2021). Delivered on 29th of November 2021.

    Report with insights gathered from the various components of the collective intelligence generating part exercises on the Edgeryders platform and surrounding activities, and key findings distilled from the conversations on the platform.

  • D2.6. Interactive Graphryder Dashboard II. M34 (October 2021). Delivered.

    Final release of the Graphryder dashboard, with added functionalities.

  • D4.2. Impact Summit Report. M34 (October 2021). Postponed to December.

    Final flagship event, bringing together representatives from all our key stakeholder groups.

  • D5.2. Community Journalism Programme digest. M24 (December 2020).

    Overview report compiling all contributions to the community journalism programme.

2.2. Milestones

  • MS4. Platform launched. M5 (May 2019). Reached.

    Launch of the NGI Forward Exchange platform.

  • MS5. 12 onboarding workshops delivered. M24 (December 2020). Reached.

    Final NGI Forward Exchange platform onboarding workshop delivered.

  • MS6. Coding finished. M32 (August 2021).

    All ontological coding finalised.

2.3. Main promises

  • T1.3.

    • EDGE contribution to Topic do-occurence analysis (Task led by DElab): the analysis reveals which technologies and social issues are frequently mentioned together in selected texts, such as published articles or working papers. We will analyse and map these co-occurrences in a set of visualisations, in order to evaluate which technologies and social issues to focus on most, which will also aid in the selection of new EC work programme topics. DELab will lead this task and will be responsible for analysis. EDGE will provide additional data, generated by the NGI Forward online conversation and its ethnographic coding.
  • T2.1.

    • we set up central forum for general debate on the future of the internet, and four sub-forums aimed at and tailored to the needs of specific stakeholder communities.
    • we engage communities across four major European languages: English, the main language of the platform, French, German, Italian, French and Polish.
    • we train 12 community managers who between them can manage the different communities and languages.
  • T2.2.

    • Stakeholder identification: beyond the usual suspects. (Task led by Aarhus).
  • T2.3.

    • We design, organise and run 12 onboarding events across Europe, aimed at collecting perspectives on NGI and bringing a broader stakeholder base into the project.
    • We are aiming to have an online exchange platform of approximately 500-1000 active participant-informants by the end of the project.
  • T2.4.

    • SSNA: we maintain a consistent multi-language coding ontology across the project, with as our aim ensuring each code in each language has exactly one equivalent in each of the other languages.
  • T2.5.

    • Data Management and technical support
  • T2.6.

    • Knowledge transfer onto NGI exchange platform: From events, we engage proven offline-online documentation methods to create short video testimonials and main points of contention surfaced during panel discussions.
  • T3.6.

    • Developing a shared vision for the NGI (Task led by NESTA): contribute to the report.
  • T4.2.

    • The Impact Summit (Task led by Edgeryders, with additional support from Aarhus University, Nesta and Resonance Design.): We convene a final Impact Summit in M34 of the project targeting the cross section of the project’s communities including researchers, innovators, activists, public administrators and policy makers, industry journalists and community leaders. Ambassadors from WP2, and selected NGI influencers will be engaged to curate a dynamic program, incorporating key points of debate and insights into participatory activities that produce co-designed tools and pathways forward. Goal: 1 three day conference with 300-350 active attendees and report.
  • T5.2.

    • Community journalism program. This consists in engaging respected and accessible voices with a good social media presence and commissioning them high-quality posts on their perspectives around a human-centric next generation internet. This creates “seed” content that can be re-shared on social media in T2.2 to aggregate debate, attract new users and new contributions. We aim to commission 60 such pieces over eighteen months of the project.
  • T5.3.

    • EDGE contribution to the NGI Visions Book (Task led by NESTA): We commission between ten and fifteen written contributions from high-profile thinkers in the internet space, as well as ten more creative outputs by artists (illustrations, photography, interactive data visualisation, videos on relevant youtube channels, short stories, comics). These contributions will be turned into a dynamic, well-designed website and a hard-copy book. Though we plan to release the visions book mid-way through the project (M20), we will separately release content on a more trickled-through schedule, ensuring we have a constant stream of interesting content to engage our audience. Note that related deliverable (D5.6.) for this task originally due in Month 20 (August 2020) was cancelled. Our budget under this task is invested in general communication and dissemination staff effort (Nadia’s contract).
  • T6.3.

    • EDGE contributes to: develop a detailed data management plan and knowledge management plan to have as reference and living documents throughout the project. The data management plan will explain in detail which research and personal data will be gathered in the project and how this data will be managed. The DMP will take into account the ethical management strategy concerning processing of personal and sensitive data outlined in Section 5. Contribution to the deliverable 6.5 submitted in July 2019.

3. Process for modifications

Finally, please remember that deviations to this are possible but only if we have solid justifications and we provide them in the reports. If there are major changes that also affect the budget please inform me so that I can communicate this to the coordinators and verify if the GA amendment is necessary.

For your reference, full GAs can be found here: for POPREBEL / for NGI Forward. Also, the magic budgets for both projects have been updated according to the actual expenses in the last year, up to March 2020. If you need to know the amounts available under each task, please consult these spreadsheets: for POPREBEL / for NGI Forward.

In case of any doubts and especially if you need to change resources allocation and/or transfer resources from one budget category to another, contact me.

Hope this helps!

cc @nadia. Also ping other team leaders: @alberto @noemi @johncoate @amelia @matthias


thank you superstar.

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For NGI: we have received the request to declare any challenges with delivering our contracted work on time, including cancelling physical events, team capacity issues etc. caused by the COVID crisis. Also, in case we have some new ideas that could be useful to implement in these times, we should report them as it is very probable that there will be another GA amendment.

Request to team leaders: please provide your feedback here.

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Did we establish in writing (as in a GA amendment) that we are not emphasizing so many languages and are thus not hiring lots of people to community manage them? Instead we give more to Maria and the rest goes to outreach to bring in interesting people.

Understood, thank you so much for the clarity. but re: the 5 language for the poprebel fora - is it in the ER deliverables to account for the 5th,the German? De facto we will be working on that, but isn’t UCL supposed to report on it?

This was what we suggested: “in order for the exchange on the platform to be more effective, we decided not to have separate language fora rather only results (the outcomes of the exchanges and dissemination materials) translated in multiple languages. The actual discussions are currently happening in many languages. Since people respond and then use automatic translation to understand and respond to one another, there is no need to break conversation into different language silos. Multilingual community managers and other staff are there to facilitate the conversations. In this way the participants are not forced into different language fora but we make it easier for them to engage in whatever language they want, including previously determined languages.”

It has been included in the GA amendment (Annex 1, description of action, Part B, page 14).


UCL has a role in this task yes, and as per the discussions around the GA amendment they have promised to take care of German community manager. Details in your post here.

is this still a declared goal? In the run of the community it shows that the addressed community is very versed in english as lingua franca. (for NGI)

Yes. So, in the GA amendment it wasn’t wise to take out all the languages as this would affect quite a lot the overall budget. Rather, we explain in the paragraph above (response to John), that we do have multilingual community managers, they are fewer than planned because the conversation is happening in one single forum rather than being broken into multiple language fora. However, I think we need to be careful and actually prove that


How can you prove someone is using a translator? I guess you would have to ask…

yes true. how does it work with automatic translation? we don’t have that feature on the platform right?

no we use a machine translation service outside the site called deepl.

This deliverable has been rejected by the Commission.
Rejection_Letter.pdf (6.1 KB)
@alberto should we prepare an e-mail for the partners?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Resubmitting deliverable D2.3: information and guidance

@nadia important info regarding this deliverable (that was supposed to be due in M20): because the Summit was also delayed, in the GA amendment NESTA will ask to report this deliverable towards the end of the project, next year. The final decision is on the EC, will confirm this to you, but most probably the demand will be approved.

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ok thanks - ping @kajafarszky this should probably be in a calendar somewhere…

@marina did you find out how the work will proceed with this and in which form our contribution is needed?

no, since they are postponing it there is no info about the form yet. We can now decide if we want to make our contribution already this year (if we have everything more or less), or we can use the remaining time and add something that wasn’t initally planned.

Uploaded NGI D2.4 to the shared drive @marina

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@amelia @alberto when you discuss this internally, please let me know what date for the submission of this deliverable you envisage. Keep in mind it needs to be submitted 2 weeks before the deadline. It could be 31st of November for example, sending out to Nesta on the 15th.

@hugi you are responsible for this deliverable I believe. Let me know if it can be ready by mid-October.