Draft August Newsletter

August Newsletter

Dear X

The Reef is a community of people building a cohousing in Brussels.

We have decided to publish a bi-monthly newsletter to be more visible outside our membership. We would like to keep you informed, share our needs and aspirations so that we can increase our chances to succeed in our mission = build a co-housing in Brussels that is in line with our values.

This is the 2nd newsletter of 2023. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we loved creating it.

Manuel and @Janet from (The Reef Comms Circle)

A short summary of what’s happening in The Reef

:seedling: Calling for Your Support in Finding Our Dream Space in Brussels! :house_with_garden:

We are looking for a place to purchase. Join us in our quest to find the perfect piece of land for The Reef’s visionary project in Brussels. We’re seeking a 1500 to 2000m² space, 600m² of which will house our collaborative haven, while 900m² will bloom into a serene garden. Your insights and leads are the keys to making this dream a reality. If you have any information or connections that could help us secure this ideal space, please reach out at cohousing@thereef.brussels.

We are also designing the process of purchasing a site. How this will happen in technical terms.

We had meetings with


Commune de Jette and Forest

The Human Reef: join our Course on Deep Democracy

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we delve into the profound principles of Deep Democracy. This open course welcomes everyone, from all walks of life, to explore innovative ways of communication, decision-making, and collaboration. Whether you’re involved in decentralized organizations, cohousing projects, or simply eager to enhance your interactions, this course offers invaluable tools. Join us in fostering a culture of inclusion and empowerment. Enroll today to embrace the power of your voice and contribute to a more harmonious and connected world.

We are planning a new enlargement process

If you would like to live in the future Reef and join us in this cohousing adventure , we are planning a presentation event on September 13 at 19:30 at forest.

Sign up to the September presentation event here :point_down::point_down:

Click here to sign up

Thanks a lot @manuelpueyo and @Janet.

@ChrisM would you be willing to bring in your magic editing skills?

Happy to :slight_smile: I’ll do that this afternoon…


thanks :slight_smile:! any change is welcome. if you can please do the changes in this doc

Hi Manuel! This link doesn’t give me editing rights. When I go to the file myself in Nextcloud, there are two documents in the August newsletter file, and I’m not sure which one you’re working with…

sorry @ChrisM could you try to edit now? (test)

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I was a bit confused about this Deep Democracy training day, because it comes a bit out of the blue to me (but maybe I missed something?).

Could you tell us a bit more? Who is organising it? Who is paying for it? Who is joining?

Hello Lie, good question, it’s a test: i would like to test how engaged is our audience in the newsletter. the training will only take place if we get 10 peole to sign up and pay 50 euros each. In that case we will offer some free spots to associate and full members

I was able to edit it, but not with the usual array of functions, including the one which shows you what I did. Having said that, the changes that I made were mostly just punctuation, grammar or the occasional choice of vocabulary.

In terms of the content, there was one bit I didn’t understand:

‘We are also designing the process of purchasing a site. How this will happen in technical terms.’

What is this line for? And what does it mean at the end??

Finally, with regard to the Deep Democracy course, there seems to be a few risks in experimenting in this way. The first is that 5 people sign up but it still doesn’t happen, which makes it look like we’re not that interested in deep democracy ourselves. The second scenario is that 10 people sign up, but no actual members of the Reef (because I don’t think anyone is aware of this date), which would look odd. I also think that it would be extremely difficult to find a good deep democracy facilitator at short notice for such a specific time and date…


thanks! that is good with me. there is a efficiency reason for the choice of this file instead of the word document. although with less functions as you said.

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it’s to update our readers on what we are up to,

the facilitator is already booked (upon condition of finding the participants

thank you for thinking this through. i am ok with taking this option down. i actually dont think people will sign up, but i just would like to test it.

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All good! I’ve just joined the two sentences, to make it a bit clearer how they go together… :slight_smile:

No need to take it down for me… I just wanted to clarify a few things. I have a couple of follow up questions, but I can ask you those at the plenary this evening :slight_smile:

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ok. sure! let’s talk about this on the coordination meeting at the end maybe,

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Hi @manuelpueyo,

I see that you went ahead with the workshop idea.

For the future, would it be ok for you to handle things like this with a bit more transparency? I’m thinking of making an Edgeryders post to inform and consult people (preferably beforehand), putting it on the Nextcloud calendar and putting The Reef’s mailbox in cc when exchanging emails with third parties.

The reason why agreed to put these working methods in place is that it helps to build a sense of safety and trust. As Alberto said at the plenary meeting “transparency is a substitute for democracy”. If all information is available to all, everybody feels more involved and thus safe.

ok! that sounds reasonable. i fully agree. note taken!

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