EdgeRyders in Ethiopia

Today we met Nadia and Alberto…

They came to our “office”, a villa where we sat under umbrellas in the sunshine and talked for 2 hours before inviting our new friends to a team celebration at a local cultural restaurant. Nadia and Alberto learned of the Center for Creative Leadership from Marc, an innovation team member of the UNDP.  Our conversations today ranged from economics of Ethiopia to network leadership to commune life.

In sum, I’m blessed to know EdgeRyders and excited to contribute and learn more…

Blessings and peace,


That’s the spirit

I see you quickly got the hang of it, @Steadman. Maybe you don’t need a proper introduction after all!

It would be really nice to get in touch with the edgeryders of Ethiopia. The hacker scene is probably still in formation, and largely underground – the hackerspace wiki only lists IceAddis. Also, with 7% growth, maybe anyone with hands-on skill gets syphoned up by the private sector, and does not have the time to feel estranged… yet.

Any recommended readings?

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Series of Welcome Questions…

Where and how do I post PDF files - we have a number of short papers that are relevant.

Is there a post or project about Networks?

What’s your preference (technologically) when it comes to introductions… would love to introduce you to Chuck, Aaron, Thomas, and many others… Facebook?  E-mail intros?

Blessings and peace,


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Hello again,

So for uploading docs you can see that in every group page (for example Agora, a general purpose group) as you scroll down there are options to Create a Post / Wiki/ Task/ Event/ Document. Click on Document and you will be able to upload the file(s) and add a title and description. The entry will look just like a post, with an attachment.

Advent of iceaddis Downtown Hub - Visibility and Refresh Coming

Thanks, @Alberto… we are hopeful that the upcoming shift of iceaddis to a more central location will draw the community here in Ethiopia together. http://www.iceaddis.com/ - ice was established by GIZ, DOT, and CCL and has morphed/evolved in recent years.

As you defined “hackers”… those of us looking to open what is closed and unlock and make available what is hidden or trouble to retrieve, the community attracted to our TEDx Addis comes immediately to mind.  CCL assisted as the official sponsor to help launch http://www.tedxaddis.com/ in its infancy.  Ideas worth sharing and spreading continue to surface.

We need to connect our design thinking / anthropologist friends at Desert Rose with EdgeRyders in the near future.  We spoke of http://desertroseinnovation.com/ led by Andrew, David, Thomas and other innovators here in Addis.

I mentioned AMI http://www.aminnovation.org/ and the role this group has played in our CCL history and need to introduce you to Chuck Palus and David Horth in the near future… we collaborate on design and product creation daily - Welcome leadingeffectively.com - BlueHost.com  Chuck will be with us in Addis as of Feb 9.

Blessings and peace,


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Great link to open source / free things on the web…

Thought this community would appreciate this: Hey there, we added +100 more free resources and moved to our website: | by Ali Mese | The Startup | Medium

Hope you are all well!

Very cool

… I use a few of these already. I guess everyone does! But most were unknown. My favorite is “Hipster Business Names” laugh

Watch out, though, some are free “as in speech”, others free “as in beer” – and at least one of the latter (Klout) profiles you to death and sells your data!

Thank you

Have you used any of the things on that list? Im building a few things at the moment and finding I very much appreciate first hand accounts from trusted people who have tried some service or approach.

I don’t know if you saw this post I published after our trip to Ethiopia by the way. Curious to hear what you think :slight_smile: