Edgeryders Webkit Directory

This directory configures domains and aliases that point to sites on live.edgeryders.eu

All new domains need to be added through the Netlify admin panel - please contact @matthias, @hugi or @Owen to do this.

Edit with caution.

- id: 15298
  alias: reef
  category: reef
  domain: reef.edgeryders.eu
- id: 15452
  alias: econscifi
  category: scifi-economics
  domain: scifieconomicslab.net
- id: 15643
  alias: research
  category: research-network
  domain: research.edgeryders.eu
- id: 14686
  domain: remote.edgeryders.eu
  alias: remote
- id: 14686
  domain: anywhere.edgeryders.eu
  alias: anywhere
  template: campaign
- id: 16699
  category: reef
  domain: thereef.brussels
  alias: reef

Hmm this looks like something that should rather live in a Git repository? With the Github web-based editor, it can be edited there as well by anyone with a browser and access rights.

@matthias I think it will end up in the repository… for now just testing this as a way of routing multiple configurations through one instance of the webkit.

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@owen is this still valid? The link for the configuration post of research.edgeryders.eu leads to what looks like a deleted post.

It’s still valid - you will have to go to the topic id associated with the site:

So => research.edgeryders.eu - Webkit XML