Wow this is an exiting platform and (I am still figuering out) seemingly a pretty awesome network of pretty awesome people :).
Me I am Felix and I actually have a rather concrete thing that got me so exited about joining here: (see below)
I have the idea to create a model for solidary neighbourhoods (solidary with newcomers, mainly). My idea is that such a model could serve as an orientation and inspiration for people that want to engage + serve as a blueprint for engaged communites and therefore activate many more local initiatives to contibute to a more decent, just, etc, situation for newcomers: decentral activity with a focused on decentral accomodation for people. Here is a great example of what I feel we need more of:
Currently this idea is mainly in my head (with quite some more thoughts to it) I will try to attach a pdf that looks nice and scraches only the surface of the idea. Currently I am very keen to find people that are similarly exited about this idea and might wanna join me or support in some way… And feedback, collaborators, people wanting to help think this out, etc. are very welcome. I somehow have a feeling that if I find some great mates on this that this could grow into something quite big
or first grow into something else and then big ?!
Let me know if your interested, and I will try to upload more details, soon.
Also I am involved in an agency collective that is still forming itself and one of its projects might be a “collaboration lab”. The agency consist mainly of facilitators, process consultants etc. so mainly people that work with “how people can work together/collaborate.” When I saw edgeryders i thought: “oh wow someone actually broght this on the ground and is executing it”. Probably the ideas are not exactly the same but I see many cool intersections and links! Don’t know yet what next steps can be here…
About me in general:
I love partneracrobatics (handstands on top of each other and stuff) and I am having the feeling that this year my deeep dedication to contribute to some positive large scale change is going to translate into a lot of action. :)
- i love to geek out on crazy, potentially impactful ideas ->I see lots of them here, how great!!
I am currently based in Berlin (actually in 2 days I will be after 2,5 years “leave”) and I am finishing my studies at the KaosPilots (a leadership education if you want so(non hierarchical leadship though)) with a focus on projectmanagement, design, social innovation and some other stuff… like process consultation and facilitation)
Happy to be here and exited to meet you
PS: @Paul_Free thx for introducing me