First in person meeting with two confesseurs - book your spot

Hi @reeflings,

Hope you are doing well.

I have been given a task to organize ourselves to meet in person the two confesseurs – Marcel and Jean Pierre. The only two available dates where they can be both available are:

  • Sunday, 11 December (between 12pm & 5pm)
  • Saturday, 17 December (between 12pm & 5pm)

The meeting will last 30min and will be by HOUSEHOLD. No preparation or bringing any documentation is needed at this point.

Can you please follow the link below and indicate you availability:

IMPORTANT NOTE : those people that have limited availabilities, please reply faster as it’s on “first come - first served” basis.

Thanks & nice weekend!



Hello @ugne,

Thank you for organizing this !

When I click on the link to Calendly, I can’t pick a date. Am I doing something wrong (like should I have an account on this platform?)

Same problem:


It worked perfectly fine for me though?

Hi @ThomasMaertens,

Sorry for the issue you are encountering. I have tested it myself & with Manuel & it worked really well. You are supposed to see only two days which are 11 & 17 Dec where you can book your meeting. Can you please try again & if it continues , let me know. We will figure something out :slight_smile: hope others won’t be encountering this issue.


No, @manuelpueyo, I still cannot use it. I tried Firefox and Chrome on Mac (both up to date) and also Incognito mode.

@alberto @ThomasMaertens could you please try again: i think there was an unintended limit on the number of bookings per day: that could explain why it worked only for lie

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Worked now for me.

Hi @ugne,

Thanks a lot for this.

Just a thought for organisational purposes: at the workshop there were quite some people who were interested to meet with the confesseurs ASAP. Can it be an option to leave the remaining spots to the new Reeflings?

of course, it’s a great idea! I already see we will have some gaps which mean either i fill them in while swapping slots of i invite more people. I prefer the latter. I will be sending a reminder as not everybody replied yet, but when they will, will look into inviting the newbies.

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Thanks Ugne :slight_smile:

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Hi @ThomasMaertens , hi @Celine_D , hi @Mas ,

It seems you haven’t yet booked your slot for the 2 confesseurs meeting on either 11 Dec or 17 Dec, can you please do that at your earliest convenience? It would allow me to invite the new reeflings to fill up the empty spots. Thanks!

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@ugne , not trying to skip the line, just wanting to check: as new Reeflings we just wait for a tag from you here as a go ahead to book a spot? @JolanWuyts and I are eager to grab any spot that might be left for the 11th as we won’t be in Belgium on the second date and the outcome will influence our decision on becoming an associate member, so I thought I’d check.

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Hi @Nic & @JolanWuyts , sorry for my late reply! very happy for you to check the link and book your spot: Calendly - Ugi Tornau


Dear new @reeflings ,
Not sure you are all aware but we have two dates booked to have a face to face meeting with 2 of our confesseurs - on 11 & 17 December, 30min each household. I see we have still 4 spots available on 11 December and 5 spots available on 17 December. Have a look at the link below and book your spot. We recommend you getting a spot, but don’t worry if you are not available on those dates or there are no more spots. We will try to accommodate everyone and organise it online, if need be.

The link to book your spot with the confesseurs:


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Dear Ugne

Thank you for your email and looking forward to meet you IRL

I was apparently not fast enough to repond to this great offer, the only remaining spots are on Dec 17th and that day I am attending a training all day long which prevents me from being able to meet the confesseurs.
By when do you think we could have additional spots ?
Just so that you know I will also have a week end of training on 14-15 january.
It is a ‘Family constellation and rituals’ course I have started some months ago for which attendence is critical

Thanks again

Take care


Hi @Matt
Nice to hear from you! Actually, what i see is one remaining spot on 11 December at 13h30, please have a look :slight_smile: Hope it can suit you. That’s the only one for 11 Dec. If this doesn’t suit, i will of course try to swap you with somebody without any guarantee i will manage, but i can always try :slight_smile:
Thanks and let me know if you manage to book a slot on 11 Dec and 13:30.

Hi @ugne,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I offered the possibility to book a slot to Koen. For sure we still need to discuss and agree on all the details around the inclusion unit, but I figured it would be useful to know whether it is technically possible for him yes or no.


sure, @Lee , great!

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@ugne I forgot to write down which slot I chose. Will I receive a confirmation email?