First in person meeting with two confesseurs - book your spot

Hi @Lee , yes, good point, i will post it on the thread once it’s almost finalised and maybe send every household an email. Just as a reminder, you are on 11 December at 12:00.

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Hi Ugne

for some reason I don’t seem to be able to see the slot on dec 11th you kindly mentioned

Please see attached a print screen from what I see
Capture d’écran 2022-11-21 à 21.38.09

I can make myself available on Dec 11th at 13:30
Capture d’écran 2022-11-21 à 21.40.15

Thank you


Hi @Matt
Indeed, you are right! i don’t see it when i go to the calendly, but i see a free spot on my calendar that is automatically synchronized. So i put your name on 11 Dec at 1h30, but will still double check and if need be, will try to switch somebody off and get you a spot, deal?

Thank you @ugne :sparkles::pray::sparkles:!

Hi Ugne. Still figuring out Edgeryders… So I’m just seeing this message now. I guess it’s to late to book a spot… But if not, I’d be interested in a 17/12 one :slight_smile:

Hi @bart , hi @reeflings,

I added a few extra slots for both 11 & 17 December confesseurs dates, so those who didn’t get a spot can now book theirs. Check the calendly link again:

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Hi @reeflings
I will shortly post the whole booking plan as a reminder. Please note that the confesseurs meetings of 11 & 17 December will take place at Brutopia, Avenue van volxem 381C, Forest. The salle commune - so called “common room” - has been reserved from 11:00 to 17:30 on both days. Confesseurs names: Jean Pierre Fraas and Marcel Heymans. Please be on time :slight_smile:


Thanks Ugne!!!

thanks, Ugne!

Thanks Ugne, sorry for the stupid question…what is the confesseurs role/meeting for? (probably I still need to read the document where this has been explained :expressionless: …) thanks, mc

Hi @MariaClaudia, hi @reeflings
Not at all a stupid question !

The objectives of the confesseurs meeting is to help you clarify your financial situation. Looking at what you earn or own, to estimate how big your apartment in the Reef could be and what kind of support you might need (if you take a load, how big etc).

So the purpose of the meeting is:

  • get to know the Reef’s confesseurs & understand the confesseurs process (what confesseur is supposed to help you with)

  • let the household explain their financial situation

  • let the household understand what kind of documents they might need to prepare / look for (in order to get a full financial status)

No documentation or preparation needed for this initial meeting.


Hi @reeflings,
I am posting here as a reminder the order of confesseurs appointments this Sunday, 11 December in Brutopia, Avenue van volxem 381C, Forest in their “salle commune”:

|11:00|Joris Van Mol & Margot |
|11:30|Richard Bofinger & Maria Aira|
|12:30|Jolan & Nic|
|14:30|Lara Svoboda|
|15:00|Koen Van Meel|


Thanks @ugne for the clear explanation!

I have an appointment on Saturday the 17th at 1200.
I’m hoping that I can swap with someone on that day for a slightly later time.

Is this possible?

Hi @Dave_behave
I see your spot is on 17 December at 12h30 actually. Ours is at 4pm and we could swap, if you want. ok @manuelpueyo ?

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Ugne, if we could swap it would help me out. (I have a training event suddenly scheduled for the same day.

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@Dave_behave , it’s done & confesseurs informed.

Image of the Salle commune at Brutopia from outside - Avenue van volxem 381C


Hi @reeflings

For those that have the confesseurs meeting today, please note again, the entrence is from the street side - Avenue van volxem 381C, not rue de Mérode.

Hello @reeflings,

I just wanted to flag to those who did not get a code green from the confesseurs that this should not necessarily be a reason to throw the towel right away. Sometimes, sadly, it is just not possible of course, but in most cases I think it can be made possible.

Depending on your situation there may be two options to be explored:

  1. Triodos told us that they are ok to give a mortgage to people who are a bit on the edge, if they are part of a cohousing group, and especially if these people are among the group’s strongholders.

  2. The Fonds du Logement offers mortgages to people who can’t get one on the market. Looking at their website it seems like their conditions are more more lenient than those of commercial banks, so there may be an avenue here.

For those who are interested my dad is happy to help you out. Don’t hesitate to ask Ugne or myself for his email address, or if you are going this Saturday, just ask him yourself.