First in person meeting with two confesseurs - book your spot

Much more lenient. They lend up to 120% of the value of the home acquired! This is definitely a way to consider for many of us. Apparently about one third of L’Échappée’s households used it. Good job @Lee!


Hi @reeflings ,

For those who have confesseurs appointments tomorrow, Saturday, 17 December, here is the reminder of the time of your slot:

11:30 Bart van Besien
12:00 Nele Rosenstock
12:30 Ugne & Manuel
13:00 Claudia Maria
13:30 Lena Futing
14:00 Chris & Sarah
14:30 Anna Maria Bagnari
15:00 Malaz
15:30 Sophie
16:00 David Fryer
16:30 Céline & Thomas

Address: Avenue van Volxem 385 - in so called “salle commune”, NOT VIA rue de Mérode.

Nice weekend everyone!


Good evening, @reeflings ,
I was also told by the confesseurs Marcel that the public transport tomorrow will be for free, apparently:)


Hi @Ugne and thank you for organizing these meetings. As I’ve decided not to become a member of The Reef, I won’t need to see a confesseur. Sorry for cancelling last minute.

Sorry to hear this, @AnnaMB , bit noted & will inform the confesseurs.

Hello dear @reeflings,

How about we shower @ugne with :heart: :heart: :heart: to thank her for her angelic patience and for bringing this important milestone to an end?


Many thanks @ugne for the smooth organisation of the confesseur meetings!! They were very helpful indeed!

@ugne : :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:
Such a crucial part of the process! And now we feel closer to making this beautiful project happen! Feels fantastic!!

Second this ^. Thank you for organizing this, @ugne! Very much appreciated :blue_heart:

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haha! thanks to all @reeflings who took part in this! It went much smoother than i thought it will :slight_smile:


Yes, yes! This is bringing so much clarity. Team @reef-finance for the win :smiley:


Here is a post with more information about Fonds du Logement.

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Thanks SO MUCH @ugne !! :green_heart:

Yes thank you so much @ugne! :pray: :heart:

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