Full Members meetings 2024 – organisation

This thread is for organising Full Members meetings, in terms of scheduling, venue, dinner plans and other practicalities.

For the content of Full Members meetings and related action points, see: Full Members meetings 2024 – discussion/action points

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The next Full Members meeting is currently scheduled for 15 July, but we will need to organise one between now and then, in light of how much needs to be discussed at this point in the project, and because recruitment and onboarding will require a fair bit of attention in the coming period.

Here is the customary poll:

  • 26 June (evening) – available for a meal
  • 26 June (evening) – I would prefer online
  • 27 June (evening) – available for a meal
  • 27 June (evening) – I would prefer online
  • 29 June (lunchtime) – available for a meal
  • 29 June (lunchtime) – I would prefer online
  • 29 June (evening) – available for a meal
  • 29 June (evening) – I would prefer online
0 voters

If we opt to have a meal together on one of these days, we will need a venue. The idea is that we move it around so that everyone has a turn at hosting and cooking. If you’re not able to do so at your place for any reason, you can arrange to prepare a meal at someone else’s place, or if weather permits, put a picnic on at a park… :slight_smile:

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Afraid I can’t make it on any of those days (travelling that week) :frowning:

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Just noticed that Lie is doing a Q&A with Exploring Members on the evening of 27 June, so that option is off the table…

It’s decided then… next Full Members meeting will be dinner on the 26th. Any volunteers to host this one?

I’m not very enthusiastic about this. We have discussed this in the past, and the conclusion was that we would not try to divide this kind of tasks equally, as we don’t all equally share in the other tasks to be done, and we also don’t all have the luxury of living in a place that is big enough. As for me: I can host as many times as needed, but I would like to get a pass on the cooking: I’m not good at it, and I also want to use my time for other things.

@Lee - not exactly sure what the problem is? Your suggestion of using your place more often but someone else cooking is exactly the what I’ve said. All of the Full Members who have smaller places have previously said that they would like to do something like this. What is it you’re not enthusiastic about?

I read your message completely the other way around, but if it’s clear that I don’t want to cook and nobody is expected to host then all is good.

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Hi @reef-full members !

I got a bit sidetracked with presentations and site clearing, and forgot that I still hadn’t organised the logistics for our meeting/dinner on Wednesday. We’ve got two potential locations, which are our place in St Guidon and Lie’s place. What we need is someone to take responsibility for food/cooking. As it’s a bit short notice, this time we could also do a pot luck or takeaways. Offers and suggestions welcome below…

If you would like to put something on the “agenda” to discuss, here is the thread for that: Full Members meetings 2024 – discussion/action points

And here’s the customary poll to see who’s coming:

  • Yes, I’ll be there on Wednesday
  • Sorry, can’t make this one
0 voters


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Lie’s unwell. So I propose we meet at her place. I will cook for her (special needs…) and the rest of us can do a potluck, or maybe Dave will save the day once again with his curries. If she is too tired to attend, she will go to bed. But if we meet in Anderlecht, she will not attend for sure. Works?


All good for me!

Hi @reef-full members !

So the plan for tomorrow night is to meet at Lie’s at 19h, dinner at 19h30. If someone feels some late inspiration to cook, then let us know on Signal, If not, Sarah is going to organise takeaways (pizza or sushi or something) and collect money from everyone.

Coming to dinner and meeting:
Lie, Alberto, Manuel, Chris, Sarah,
Coming just for the meeting:
Not sure:
Can’t make it:
Ugne, Sophie, Maria, Dave, Els



Hi @reef-full members !

We have a dinner/meeting planned for next Monday (the 15th). What to include on the agenda will be discussed on the other FM thread (Full Members meetings 2024 – discussion/action points).

Is anyone volunteering to host it this time round?

As far as the meal is concerned, those that want to cook for everyone are now outnumbered by those that don’t, so time to let that go. Which leaves the option of potluck or ordering food (and sharing the costs). Host to decide…

Can we get an indication of who is coming:

  • Yes, I’ll be there on Monday
  • Sorry, can’t make it this time
0 voters



I can host.


Hi @reef-full members !

So according to the poll above, attending the meeting tonight will be:
Els, Alberto, Lie, Sophie, myself and Sarah
Dave is a maybe

Alberto has kindly offered to host. As usual, meet at 7pm, eat at 7.30, meeting soon after…

@alberto - what’s the plan for dinner?

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Hi Chris, I will only join after dinner, that is 8pm.

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