Full Members meetings 2024 – discussion/action points

The purpose of this thread is to be better organised around what is discussed during Full Members meetings, and the related action points that come from them. It is for three things:

  • · Adding points to the “agenda” for the next meeting, or for one in the future
  • · Posting a link to the minutes document when they have been added after each meeting
  • · Posting the action points that derive from each meeting

For the practicalities of organising the Full Members meetings, see: Full Members meetings 2024 – organisation


Let’s get the ball rolling!

The minutes of Sunday’s meeting are now available: Login – Nextcloud

These were the action points:

  • · Team Building to clarify m2 of apartments with updated programme
  • · Ugne to finish signing and sending of accords préables
  • · Team Finance to make a final proposal regarding the extra percentage that new members will pay

There was one point that I think needs further clarification:

@Alberto – you said that there would come a moment when everyone would need to gather with a bank card and card reader, in order to pay for something quickly (the deposit, I think), and therefore everyone would need to get a card reader from their bank before that moment arrives. This seemed important, so could you just clarify what is needed here, particularly for those that weren’t at the meeting…


No, misunderstanding. I wanted people to show up with an ID card and a card reader, in order to digitally sign the offer. This all imploded, and anyway we agreed that Docusign is going to be good enough in the future.

But still, people need to pay their share of the deposit, and this needs to happen now. Just, we don’t need to be together when that happens! Instructions here.

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Items on the “agenda” for tomorrow evening’s meeting:

  • Update/check in re Associate Members
  • Update re Exploring Members
  • Addressing some glitches in the new onboarding process (buddies needed)
  • Preliminary discussion on 2-4% extra proposal

Feel free to jump in if you want to add something…


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Minutes from the meeting on Wednesday (26/6) now available in the usual place: Login – Nextcloud


Hey @ChrisM, I’d like to suggest to talk about the (number of) inclusive units at the next full members meeting (15.7), a conversation already started in this post. Would there be time? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hey Sophie! It fills my heart with joy to see this thread being used in exactly the way I hoped it might :slight_smile:

All good to discuss this, in principle. We currently have three items for the next meeting:

  • Deciding on how to manage a potentially large group of associate membership applications
  • Revisiting the 2-4% mark-up proposal
  • Number of inclusive units

Should be doable… :slight_smile:


Hi @ChrisM,

It’s not urgent, but at some point I’d like to have a long and slow round on “how are you doing?” / “how is The Reef going for you?”. I’d also be grateful if we could pick up the appreciation rounds again, because I enjoyed them a lot.


Link: Visit to Tivoli - #30 by els

Hi @ChrisM can we please add an item to the agenda on adding new associate members at this stage in the process?

I am also preparing a Powerpoint on the budget and Le Programme 3 that I would like to discuss with the group. It’s urgent and important in my view, because the conclusion of the discussion will inspire the way forward on the discussions we need to have on common spaces, elevators etc. Would that be possible?

Also still a big fan of favouring “how is The Reef going for you” kind of topics over topics that can equally be dealt with in a plenary meeting.


Here’s the link to my Powerpoint: Login – Nextcloud

In sum it puts le programme 3, the recruitment of new members and the budget issues in a bigger context. At the end there are 3-4 proposals on the way forward that could be the topic of discussion if there is time.